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Second. I and Kuya Japi went to a public school. There, we waited for a teacher who was receiving lots of people with different purposes. When it's our turn, Kuya Japi talked to her extending my resume or bio-data. She scanned it awhile and asked if I already passed an application before. I replied 'No'. She didn't believe me. She knew that I did. Thus, I changed my answer and explained. It was because when I passed it and I was interviewed, I waited so long for a call. I considered it null and void and that was why I was applying again. She was convinced to my explication. But, she's not willing to hire me. Thus, I quickly and wholeheartedly asked her for a chance. I said "Give me a chance to show you my worth. ' Without further doing, she stands up and says' O, sige! You're hired! " Outside, she showed me the list of jobs or positions. She specifically points the position of me, which I received gladly. We thank her. I thanked her and bode goodbye. On the way back home, I disorganized Kuya Japi's hair to show him how much happy I was and how much I thank him. Then, I asked him if we would be in the same department. He says no. Actually, it saddens me. But I did not showcase it. Third. To make the story short, in a deep well a woman and my months old daughter were on the wall. They were being clapped by the onlookers and being photographed by the press people. My daughter seems enjoying the water for she never cries. However, when the woman was being told to come up, she declines. Next thing happened was worries, shouts and other reactions of terror. The woman gets mad. She was like a mental patient. It made me horrified. I was shouting. It scared me. What if she puts down my baby? She would be drowned to death. Good thing her sanity comes back. She extends my daughter up the well and when I was holding my wet baby and realized that she needs a towel or whatever warm clothes, I asked. But nobody extends help. I went hysterical. What kind of people are you? And so on and so forth. Fourth. Taiwan and I were about to report. He was already an 'endo' to that company. I was going to report when I was startled to see a man who was characterized as sting man on my third dream. We were both shocked. I haven't yet recovered from it when he reprimanded me with what I did to him. I wanted to explain and tell him to understand my anger to the incident. But, I preferred to accept his decision. I lost the job. I went out while Taiwan approached his ex-co-workers inside. In a bench, where I was sitting, I over-heard the conversation of Taiwan and his friends. He was asking for help. Fifth. I knew I have fallen asleep in that bench, when a handsome man, a trustworthy man approached me. He says "I have learned that you know how to cook." I nodded. He continues; "Would you like to be a cook?" Delighted, I said, "Yes!" He directed me of what to do. Then, I approached the lady employer. She lets me follow her. In the kitchen nearby, we come in. She leaves me there. I must cook at least one menu I then look around. The place was full-packed with diners. I could see some other cooked dishes. Then, I visited the refrigerators. I firstly, chose to prepare dessert, specifically fruit salad. However, I realized that I have to cook. Good thing is I have seen early that there's already a dessert. Thus, I think and act in a jiffy. I visited another fridge. There, I saw pork chops. I decided to cook pork steak. I was just bitten by a mosquito. Thus, my dreaming state has ended. Annoying! Seven when I got up. Then, sweeping at the garden was prioritized. Minutes after, April arrived. I dealt with her, while doing household chores. I was never tired of mingling and understanding her. Nine, I sold my junks or scraps. It amounted to P25. Thus, I realized that 'there's money in trash', Nine-thirty, unexpected happens. Grandpa Angel arrived and handed-down P500. Mom sent it. It makes me inspired. Thus, I found myself doing tiring household chores. I did them tirelessly and in order. April stayed here. In fact, she shared P15 for our lunch. She has learned from me that egg could be cooked as adobo. Five, I have been in a dilemma. I didn't know what to do with P500. I wanted to save it for Hanna's needs but I have to buy viand for my siblings and Chriz. Thus, I went to Cabading and bought 'bangus' (P50). I have spent P70 in all. Plus, P222.50 and P30 for Bonakid and fare. In my in-laws' house, I could see their gladness when they saw me with a can of milk for Hanna. Then, I realized that I'm always welcome there. While Raine and I were eating, she opened up Mom's plan for us. It gladdens me so much. It was here. "I'll be looking forward to it, though. So take care, okay? You have to live until I'm stuck in this room." Then he tapped her to let everyone go. "Don't you ever try to fail me, Nightmare. Once there please I don't want your life to be the substitute." The maiden living in the high tower was left alone. The atmosphere became quiet and only the sound of cricket could be heard. He sat down in front of the large window, the only tunnel through which only one person could enter and exit. "What am I supposed to do?" He asked himself. "When the situation got worse then he forgot everything." She leaned her back against her chair and closed her eyes. Remembering her last conversation with someone. "Haaaay, it's been a while since I got tired of this," he said. He looked at the woman he had been with in training. It seemed deep in thought and restless. "I notice you don't seem to be on your own right now?" "Sophia?" It calls him. "If you were given the chance to save one of the people you love, who would you choose?" He thought first. What could have entered his companion's brain and he asked about it? "Why are you asking me that? You already know the answer." "Didn't you say you came from the future? And you came back to save someone?" He stared at his companion deep in gaze. "That's right. Because I know he's the one who can stop the wheel mentioned in the prophecy of this world." "Don't you even want to take revenge on the person who caused your death before?" "Even if I want to, I can't do that. His role is important in this world," he didn't notice but he was nervous. My eyes widened when I felt his hand slowly from my neck to my nape. What was that? "Cockroach" whispered its thing I kept. I saw the cockroach he was saying and it was crawling now on ..... the post that Fire was leaning on. Suddenly it released me and stood up still jumping. I lost my shock when I saw Fire jumping in fear. I couldn't help but laugh softly at the mother-in-law. Imagine 6feet plus guy jumping out of fear because of this little creature called cockroach. When the cockroach got away from us, we sat down and gasped. "Can you wake me up because of that lecheng cockroach? Why are you scared ???" I said with curved eyebrows. It defends quickly. "No! Of course not! That's bullshit you're saying Marian Irish. I'm scared? Huh? I'm not afraid of even death" He said defensively. I just let it go because I was just awake. For what else if I get angry right ?. Well, it also lessened my annoyance to see Fire's face turn red with embarrassment. I looked on my surroundings and the sky speaks that the sun is about to rise. I looked at my watch and it is 5:45 in the morning. I also slept in Fire's arm for a long time. After we went for a walk, Fire and I sat on a bench. Opposite it is a beautiful scenery surrounded by lush trees and mountains. "Where are we now anyway?" I ask here. He stood up in front of me and offered his hand. "Let's have a breakfast, I know a place here that has a delicious breakfast. You'll gonna love it for sure." aya nito. Hmm I'm still craving it now :( "Haaay, it's my 5th day here Fireel Simon. I miss the tapsilog and tocilog and hot coffee" I said sadly. He smiled and took my palms.
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