Chapter 17 ( The Bad Boy is back )

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Having Alex home was great but it felt like the past came swooping in and all hell broke loose except this time it's even a bigger mess because for some unknown sick reason me and Alex are mate's and to be truthful it shocked me because why then do I feel so close to Liam and last night , what was that, my body was in heat and had a mind of its own, like I was seeing Alex in a different light, a sexy , wane make out kind of light and I was freeking out, what if this is some prank and he end up humiliating me or make a fool out of me ?, I simply need to stay out of his way an try not to go near him and his games . "Mia he is our mate and you need to accept this too like he did", Snow doesn't speak a lot but when she does I normally listen but my situation is weird because no one knows I am speaking too Snow (my wolf ) yet because I only turn and shift in one week on my 18th birthday and only then will everyone know about her. "How can you be sure Snow I mean yes I felt strange but I think it's because you felt his wolf and you had to hide it , don't we both need to be 18 and shifted to know who our mate's are?" I ask her and she sigh's. "Yes normally Mia ,but you are not normal and neither is Alex, but that is his story to tell not mine so for now take my word ok, but if you wanna stay clear of him I am backing you until you shift then you will see the truth". So I agree to what she says and also see her point in this, "Fine ok let's say he is our mate, then what?". After a long pause, "Then Mia, then you start your live with him and did you forget we were best friends with him ones ?", "Yes but that was very long ago , now it's different ok". I say to her and she snarls at me closing our mind link and for that I am happy because I know she wants him but she was not there when he went all bad boy on me so she doesn't know. And now I need to tell Liam all this and it's not going to be easy, man this was bad. Alex (Pov)  I could not sleep the whole night because Blade was forsing me to go to our mate but after I explained to him why I could not he was very mad at me and disappointed too witch I understood and I also told him that is the reason why I wanted to talk to her to ask her forgiveness but he said I blew it with her and I think he might be right , to think me and Mia were so close , is just strange because I know I was wrong to be nasty to her and I let my own ego get in the way but on the other hand Melissa was my girlfriend and so I thought she would be my mate ,but fate had other planes and it was Mia, no wonder I loved her as a boy and always felt close to her but I think the day that Liam came into her live she completely forgot me and that made me be more mean to her but I want to change it I just need to keep my damn lust from this mate bond under control but she is so perfect.. "Ya she is and I bet her wolf will be too , but we won't know it because you screwed it all up for me you ass", Blade interrupts my thoughts. "Blade I told you I will make it up to her ok I know she is our mate but what about my feelings for Melissa?" I say but I know he told me he doesn't like her at all and Melissa's wolf denies me so that will be a difficult thing to overcome. "You ass you need Mia not Melissa, I will never accept someone else but our mate, never Alex!" Blade seemed pissed so I just close the link to him wanting some sanity but soon my mom knocks at my door.  "Honey are you awake yet?". "Yes mom you can enter". "So she comes in with some coffee and she smiles sitting on my bed like she has done my entire live, handing me my favorite beverage, "You look stressed Alex, and your dad wants to see you after breakfast to talk about pack stuff, but I want to know about what you are going to do", "Do about ?, what mom?". "About your mate son, Mia is perfect and I always knew she would be your mate , but after last night and what you told us about your past, I think you blew it and your dad is not happy and neither am I, I thought you two were so close but typical you had to break her heart son, why?. Mom looks at me a bit sad and irritated too. Silence fills the room for a second, "Mom it's complicated I love Melissa ok and Mia doesn't even wanna talk to me so what do you want me to do ?" ."You get her alone and then you first ask her forgiveness or so help me Alex I will give you the biggest hiding , she is a good girl and she loves this pack and she is the perfect Luna material too and she will forgive you, you need her Alex the mate bond is not some small thing that will go away , so get on it!". She says and gets up to leave but before she does she looks me in the eye and say. "She never talked a bad word about you Alex never not even when you were so mean to her, she always told me she believed in you even if you lost your way", As your mother I never understood why she said it but today I know why". That made my cold heart drop to the floor knowing all this meant she has always cared and told this to my mom, man I was a fool. I was a fool in so many ways and back then I was manipulated into thinking she talked rubbish about me always getting me into trouble with mom but it seems I was misled but now mentally I will get my answers from her and have my own mind made up , not by Will or Melissa or any of my other friends who I always put before her. The bad boy might be back but this time I am back to fix things and to lead my pack into greatness and for now that is what I need.  Alex go dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt and just some sneakers because he needed to see his dad so he went downstairs to get some breakfast but the smell of roses and strawberries engulfed him again taking the smell of the bacon and eggs away completely, and there on the table next to her father she sat eating her fruit peace by peace like it was slow motion or something but it was mesmerizing , her lips a soft pink taking the fruit in such a sensual way, NO ! I can't be thinking like this Mia was my bestie and now I am ogling her looking at her with my lustful eyes. Damn it was not easy so I see her look at me but then she looks away still eating so at least she is not running from me. Then I see Will staring so I let out a soft growl and he diverts his eyes from her to Stella and I take my place sitting next to mom who is sitting across from Mia and man her sent is overwhelming me and I can feel I make her a bit nervous and I love it but then there is a knock at the door and dad stands up to go and greet the very early guest.  "Mia , Liam is hear " ,The Alpha says and yes then he looks at Alex as if saying just stay in you chair. "Thank you Alpha, Luna Des thanks for breakfast..., but I need to go to school" ,so Mia kisses her dad and mom but then Alex jumps up and Mia being not bothered looks over to him, :We can talk after school Alex but now I am going to school ok", She states and the only thing he can do is agree but his blood is boiling thinking his mate is still hanging around Liam and Blade was not happy telling me to run and get her but softly in my mind I told blade I will deal with it in a nice way not to get Mia mad , so he agreed.  Mia looked happy to leave but just then Melissa also showed up ending up having breakfast with us too and I could see my dad was not happy so after that Melissa went to start her day and I went with dad to the alpha office were I will be sitting too in a week's time. "Son I wanted to see you to say I am so proud of you, the elders told me about your time with them and what they knew about you and I can't be more proud, I just hope you fix things with Mia but if she doesn't want to then just give her time, fameless always need time but in the meantime you have a pack too and these businesses to run so let me show you some stuff" ,Dad says "Thanks dad , and yes I will fix it at least she wants to talk", I say and so we started looking at all the stuff and after a long day with dad I thought I wanted to surprise Melissa at school but when I took my bike and stopped in the parking spot with it infront of the school I was filled with hellfire when I saw Mia and Liam walking to his bike and her getting on it but before I could react Malissa came out and so Mia was gone but I will get her later for now I needed some forget my mate and her lover it seems.  Mia (Pov)   O my word after this morning having Alex look at me that way with lust filled eyes I had to stay clear of him and thanks the heavens he is done with school or ells I was done for, what was his problem, man just when I thought live was getting better he was back to further my hell and this time I have Snow so he will not be the bad boy in my live anymore, I won't let him not again,. Liam was not happy when I told him Alex is back and I also did not tell him he was my so called mate and after school he offered to take me for a burger at the diner so I said yes, but as we walk out I see this god like man looking like a Greek god on a very big sexy bike with sunglasses sitting infront of my school looking all sexy and my heart wanted to go to him but my mind said run so as we got on Liam's bike I knew he saw me and I just needed to leave him knowing I still owed him a talk , but now I just needed to get my lust under control, So I told Liam to ride and so we did ,away from the bad, bad boy I so wanted to be next to, to run my hands through his hair and climb on his bike and just ride off into the sunset...
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