Chapter 15 ( Longing and Brotherhood )

1430 Words
Weeks and months have passed and Alex was still at Alpha training camp becoming stronger and  turning into a mean working , fighting machine and not just fisical but mentally too, he has been thought that being popular was not all that nice and not all that mattered, but he missed his football and his fast sports car and the girls hanging on his lips and the attention he got, his friends and in a confusing way he also missed Mia and he also knew that after all this time away his pack must be preparing for his return along side his mother and father and this made him happy but he also thought about meeting his mate and thought of who she could be, or if she was in his pack even or not. Alex was also missing home, missing his mom's food and the pack house too . The elders helped Alex develop his inner strength and as time went by Blade became his best friend and Blade also allowed Alex to tell the elders what and who he and his wolf was ,and that made them be even more hard on him and his training seeing he might just be the one, the one true Alpha King that was said would be born into the strongest pack someday. They helped him study his strength and turned him into the best ,because a true King is not just strong , no he is good at heart too.  And the only one he was allowed to see in this time was his grandma and she also helped him training his mind and feelings and this made him even stronger , she also asked him to ask Mia for forgiveness and rebuild their friendship if there was any bits left and he promised her he would at least try and so it was time for his beta and brother Will to join him at training camp because a strong Alpha like him needs a strong and powerful Beta by his side. "Are you really sure your brother Will should be our Beta?" , Blade says and this makes Alex smile shaking his head because his wolf is somewhat not a fan of Will. "Yes Blade I am ,he is not just my beta or brother but also my best friend, and we need him ok so make friends with his wolf, we might need him one day and besides he is strong like me and ya just behave ok". Alex says and while he is jogging he sees a familiar face running to him but the closer the person got to Alex the slower he started to run and instantly bowed his head recognizing his Alpha and sensing his growing Alpha Aura that radiated power and strength. " Alpha , it's so good to see you", Will bows while greeting his brother but Alex quickly reply. "Welcome brother, it's nice to see you again man, now stand up and give me a bro hug man", Ales laughs and so Will obey and hug his brother and in a way Will was happy to see him despite working against him and he felt a bit guilty but knew this was what he wanted and if being fake was what was needed then he will gladly do it.  "Man you look so big and you really got sum muscles bro, like you got a plus one" Will says smirking and Alex just shakes his head feeling happy to hear his brother bickering again after so long. "Ya man and believe me it's hard work, so are you up for it?". "Yes Alpha , I am ready ". "Good because your training starts tomorrow and man you better bring it , these elders don't take pity on a slacker". "Sure but man lets unwind a bit first, so tell me bro is there any females around?" Will is a big man w***e and so Alex just smirks as he shakes his head but Will is persistent in wanting to know so Alex tells him that there is only two girls but they already have their mate's and so the two went into their bunker and Alex got Will something to eat and catching up on pack live. Will was always hungry and so was Alex so the two enjoyed some food made by the omegas and while Will lost himself Alex started to ask him about the pack. "So how is mom and dad doing?" . Will looked at him not really in the mood to talk about them but he must because his Alpha demands to know. "Mom is missing you like crazy and dad just works non stop but I can see he misses you too bro and well me to a little bit". Good to know, and Melissa and the rest of the pack ?" . "No Melissa too man she talks about you every day and well the pack is going strong but your mom has everyone busy getting ready for your Alpha ceremonies so it's busy man, you know mom, always organizing every last detail but at least nerdo is still helping her...", "Nerdo , how is she, I mean is she still the little brat and Liam is he still all over her?". Will smirks and shakes his head laughing at Alex for being too nosy about Mia. "All I can say is nerdo Mia is no more man and that Liam dude is hanging around her like a bee to honey ". Alex feels his pulls going a million miles and he starts to feel angry. "What the hell does that mean, 'nerdo Mia is no more' ?" . "Man calm down all I am saying is she is hot now in a weird way". Will says while eating the rest of his chicken but Alex growl loudly and it startle Will to such a extend that he leaves his food and bows to show respect to his Alpha and that is when Alex jumps up and feel himself get so angry , but he doesn't even know why. "Alpha calm down why the hell do you even care man?" Will wonders as he observes Alex and wonder if maybe Alex felt something for Mia because they were best friends back then when they were little but why now he thought. "Because, … she is my nerdo and I just don't like that Liam dude hanging around my pack that's all". Alex quickly reply to Will and so Blade also talks' to him telling him to sit down and take a drink and so he does and the two finish their food in silence. After they ate Alex decided he needed a distraction from thinking too much so he decided to show Will around the camp and training grounds and also introduce him to the others and some of the elders including their grandma but misses Grey was never very fond of Will but still loved him and she also told Alex to think twice about Will being Beta of the Silver moon pack but he told his grandma that he trust Will and so she eventually stopped to pester him about his choice and so she welcomed Will with open arms too and also told him that his training will be a bit different from Alex but that they would later on also learn to fight as one.  Alex and Will were brothers and they never knew different and when they fought together they complimented each other and always worked as a team and so the next day Will started his training too and Alex was proud of his brother even though they were not blood brothers the brotherhood between them was special or so Alex thought ,and it made it even better to know his brother would also be his Beta, his right hand man and his best friend too. Will was not as fast as Alex but he was good and so the long day came to an end and the two brothers sat down having a good man to man talk about what will happen when they go home and so Will was chosen as Alex's Beta and Will was happy but he knew it will never be forever and he knew his brother will hate him one day and will most propobily wanna kill him, but for now he will take this vow to obey, love and respect his Alpha and so the brotherhood became stronger as they both swear loyalty...
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