Chapter 23: Home

1090 Words

Sandra's POV "Bethany!" I yelled, and she turned with a big smile on her face. "Luna, I missed you. I told Hunter that I wanted to see you, but he was busy." She rolled her eyes. "You are always welcome at the mansion, even without Hunter." I replied hugging her. "Thank you, I will keep it in mind." She laughed and I nodded. "So what do you do around here all day?" I asked. "Well, we clean the house, play with the kids, cook for the men, whatever comes to your mind. But, there are days, when we go patrolling too, and those are the best days." She replied excitedly. "I want to try it." I sighed, as we went to the back of the pack house. There was a huge, like a park area, where children played and their mom chilled. It looked like a peaceful day, with the children screaming a

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