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Chapter 04 3rd Person's POV "Tomorrow I'll give you an advance p*****t. Buy the clothes you'll wear and whatever else you need," Fabian said. The man handed over some clothes. "These are my clothes that I haven't worn and have just been piled up in the closet. You can wear them for now until you have something else," Fabian said. Sonia was surprised. She wanted to refuse, but— she looked at the clothes she was wearing. They were torn and extremely dirty. Embarrassed, Sonia took them and thanked him. She examined them closely and held them tightly. "I'm sure there's dinner downstairs. After you shower, come down to eat," Fabian said, turning away. He walked towards Sonia's room door. "Don't you have any other questions for me? Like my background as a nanny and my work experience," Sonia asked. Even from his name, he didn't ask— she introduced herself earlier. "Honestly, it's not necessary. I know you," Fabian said. Sonia was surprised— Fabian glanced back slightly. "I just didn't know what happened to you, but I knew you were Sonia Valencia from the park, so I didn't hesitate to bring you here," Fabian replied. Sonia's face lost color. She thought Fabian wouldn't recognize her because of her appearance. Wait— how did he recognize her when they never crossed paths before. "Can I know— how? I mean, I see you since we both at the same industry, but how did you know my name," Sonia asked. Fabian laughed and said Sonia was a famous model. "Everyone in the entertainment industry knows you, even back when you were just a trainee," Fabian said. He faced her and held her chin. "You were also the first person to turn down an offer from my manager to be my partner in one of my movies," Fabian said. Sonia stopped and furrowed her brow. She asked when that was. "I had many offers. New contracts, but I remember not reading any with your name," Sonia said. If she was in the entertainment industry and Fabian was her partner, it's impossible for her to turn that down. That opportunity was huge for her. She was the type who wouldn't let big opportunities pass, especially when it came to her career. "Don't worry about it, it's been a long time, I don't remember much," Fabian said, smiling. Fabian only told her— she and Victor his familiar with.. Sonia stopped. She clenched her fist after hearing her husband's name. "Um— sorry," Fabian said. Sonia stopped and looked up. "You said nothing wrong," Sonia said and added Fabian wasn't at fault. "It's just— that topic is too sensitive for me," Sonia said, avoiding eye contact. — As Sonia descended the stairs, Fabian stopped in the kitchen, cooking something. Sonia wore only a T-shirt and boxers. Her entire face was covered with a bandage, and her long hair was tied up. Sonia felt Fabian's gaze. She hid her left arm behind her back. "Does it hurt?" Fabian asked. He continued cooking. Sonia didn't speak. "That was two years ago, so it's fully healed now," Sonia said. Fabian said Sonia should sit down since the food was ready. "Sir Martinez, I'll prepare it myself," Sonia said, approaching. Sonia panicked because no one ever did that for her, like preparing her food. They bumped into each other. Sonia quickly apologized and bowed. Fabian dropped the spoon he was holding. "Sonia, relax, I can't believe you're panicking just because I put a plate on the table in front of you," Fabian said. From the car, their conversation about her injury and their introductions remained calm. Sonia couldn't believe she panicked just because he put a plate on the table. "I'm just not used to having someone do that for me. It's just— I'm sorry," Sonia said, trembling. Fabian just stared at Sonia. The Sonia he knew five years ago was confident in everything. She was bold and had great self-confidence that she could do anything. Fabian maintained a poker face. What happened to her after she disappeared for three years and after the accident? "Sit there. You can't prepare dinner with trembling hands. Just relax," Fabian said. Sonia looked up. Fabian avoided eye contact and took some of what he cooked to the sink. "You don't have any allergies or food preferences, right? I only know how to cook a few things," Fabian said. He saw Sonia, who sat on the chair, trying to calm herself. "I'm not picky," Sonia said. She eats anything. "Any allergies?" Fabian asked. He placed two dishes away from Sonia. "Be-beans," Sonia whispered. Fabian looked at what he cooked. He removed two plates from Sonia's sight. "Eat," Fabian said. He had already set the table with plates and utensils. Fabian also sat down— he sat across from Sonia and took a plate. "Sir, I have a question," Sonia said. Fabian picked up his food. "Sir?" Sonia repeated. "I'm listening," Fabian replied. Sonia timidly asked if it was normal for Fabian to eat with the maids. "The maids always eat first here because I always come home late from work." Aside from being a celebrity, Fabian is also a full-time CEO of one of the largest car companies on the continent. It's not surprising that he's always busy. "I'll have my assistant draft your contract as France's personal nanny tomorrow. You can start then."
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