6. The Unexpected Visitor

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William's POV "Edward" I entered into the chamber which Edward used as his official chamber. This room was previously Arya's father's office room. Edward was standing and looking outside the window. you can get an excellent view of the village from this window. This village seems to be prosperous and self-sustained. They are having enough food, water, medicine and almost everything they need to have a better life. Above everything, they had a peaceful life, far away from all the drama that was going in the rest of the kingdom. But everything has changed so suddenly, all the villagers are still shocked they were still trying to figure out what is going on. "Could you get something from him?" Edward asked without bothering to turn. "Nothing new... He is repeating the same thing" "Did you use all the methods" "Yes Edward I have, but he didn't change his story even for a bit" "Hmmmm" "I can understand that the doctor and all her family lie about what happened. But how come this soldier lies to us. He keeps on saying that Arya herself handover him the poison. This is ridiculous " "Is It? William?" Edward turned around and faced me. "What you mean?" "Is it ridiculous to say the truth, William?" "What you mean? nobody lied it was the Doctor who did this. Is that what you say? Oh! Edward we both know it is not " "How are you so sure? William" "I don't know I just sense so. And look at the way she treated Ernest, that's how she is. She is not capable of committing a crime like this" "Oh my... Oh my... William. How long you know her? maximum of 72 hours? Is it enough to get a correct impression of someone? Stop letting your heart takes the decision for you" "It is not like that Edward. you know that I can normally sense people. And you know that most of the time what I sense is right" "What is the probability of your 'most of the time ' brother? " he put his hands on my shoulders looked into my eyes. "I am the King of this kingdom. I take decisions based on facts, figures, and evidence. not based on whatever the bullshit you sense. So don't ever dare to come between my decisions. You are just a prince, know your limits. You can go now" Edward turned around again to continue looking outside the window. I didn't say anything. I knew from experience it is not a good idea to argue with him further. No matter how many times he has talked to me like this, I am still feeling shaken. From the day he was born, how much I love him. How much I want to protect him. But he never let me get close to him. When we were young it was worst. He didn't even want to look at me. I never got to play with my little brother, no matter how much I craved for that. But with time when we growing up, he started talking to me. He started working with me. But he was not letting me get close to him, he just learned to bear with me. For me, it was enough, that's how much I love him. I sighed and left his chamber. **************************************************** Arya's POV I was lying down again. I didn't feel much pain from my wounds thanks to the medicine Laya has sent with Prince William. But the pain in my mind was at its severest level. Even meditation wasn't helping me. I felt like I am going crazy. I wanted to kill myself, maybe then King Edward would stop chasing after this anymore. So my parents and my little birdie would get to live peacefully. Then I remember his face, my little brother's face. He may die crying if something happened to me, poor little birdie. We should have destroyed the poison as soon as the late king died. Then we may never face this kind of misfortune. Why didn't we do that? Why we made such a bad decision in our lives. The decision that takes all of us to death. I heard the door of my cell opened. It should be a soldier. Carrying food and water for me. What is the use of eating now, I don't see a way that I am going to be free from this disaster. Or can It be Prince William? His kindness can do magic. His calm, kind self can relax my mind than hours of meditation. I sat on the floor and turned around hoping it should be Prince William. But it was not him. It was the devil himself. The King. I stood up. Standing up was so painful, even though my wounds got healed to an extent, I had bad back pain and my feet were paining unbearably. The king didn't try to grab my hand ask me to sit down. He didn't sit near me and try to calm me down like Prince William. Yes how can I expect such kindness from him, from the very first moment I saw him, he was the same arrogant, hot-tempered heartless person. I must be gone real crazy to even expect even a bit of kindness from him. "So are you ready to tell me the truth," he asked like I was waiting for his question. "Your majesty, I have already told the truth" I bowed my head a bit and said. "So you are still saying you are the one who came to this deal with Southlanders" "Your majesty... Please forgive me. I know I have committed a big crime. But I had no intention to be disloyal to the Royal family. I beg you to forgive me for this one. I promise you that we will never disloyal to the Royal family." I kneeled down. My eyes filled with tears. I hated my self for being so helpless. "stand up" he commanded. I stood up. He came to me. He put his hands on both sides of my shoulder and looked into my eyes. Trying to avoid his eyes I looked down. Whenever he is near me, I got this strange shiver ran down my spine. His smell...his touch... How come I feel these unwanted feelings in a tragic situation like this. "Look at me" he commanded. I looked into his hazel color eyes. As I said before his eyes were like a book, you can read them. This time his eyes were filled with pain, I was so sure his eyes were filled with unbearable pain. "Now tell me the truth," he commanded again. "Y..you..r ma..jesty... I... Told...the.. Truth" I whispered. I felt his grip on my shoulders got tighten, his eyes covered with anger. "Look at me... girl... Am I look like a fool to you? or Am I look like a kid who believes everything others say to him" he shouted. I couldn't look further into his eyes. I looked down. "Look at me... Look at my damn eyes... Girl don't dare look down... or I will remove your pretty eyes from your pretty face" I felt the anger, the heat ran inside of him. He was shaking with anger. I was shaking with fear. I was so scared. I was so damn scared of his anger. So I tried my best to keep looking at his eyes. He stared at me for like one minute without saying anything. "Arya!!!" then he spoke. his voice was so gentle, unexpectedly gentle. his grip on my shoulder felt so gentle too. his eyes got cleared from anger, now only the pain is remaining deep down those handsome, hazel eyes. I couldn't even imagine how he became this much calm and gentle, just a minute before he was a true example of the devil. "I want to hear the truth from you. I believe you will tell me the truth before I get myself to issue the most regretful command in my entire life" he stared at my eyes again for more than a minute. He was like trying to finding the truth from my eyes. Then he took his hands off my shoulder and turned to leave. He went to the cell door and opened it. He again turned to look at me. "I know you are covering up for him... you have to trust me and tell me the truth..." then he left.
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