Chapter 19

2847 Words

Zain Pov I was...I was shaken. I keep remembering his voice echoing in my mind, the way his eyes...those f*****g eyes...pierced into me. What the hell was that? I took a shaky breath, jerking the wheel off of the edge of the sidewalk, so shaken I was barely able to even f*****g drive. ‘Good job, Caileen would be proud.’ Ryan said to me. I sighed, taking a deep breath. ‘f**k you, Ryan. That was f****d up and you know it.’ I said to him as he barked out a laugh at my misfortune. ‘f**k,’ I muttered, pulling up at the packhouse. I parked the car, resting my forehead against the steering wheel, my face still burning from what happened. The way his eyes stared into me, the was the same. The f*****g same. ‘You should have just kissed him. What’s the worst thing that could happ

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