Chapter 12

2716 Words

Zain Pov     I was driving to Grayson’s house when I got the phone call. At first I ignored it, not recognizing the number, before almost driving off of the damn road to get the phone to answer it. “Hello?” I said, slightly breathless as I swerved the car back into the right lane before a semi-truck could hit me.      “Are you having s*x? I’ll call back,” Jasper’s musical accent said from the other end of the line. I rolled my eyes, sighing.      “I’m driving a damn car, Jasper,” I said to him, stopping at a red light.      He chuckled. “You get breathless while your driving? Or is there someone there doing something to you while you’re driving? Because that’s illegal, you know.” He said with a grin in his voice.      I rolled my eyes, beeping the horn at the person in front of me as

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