Fight of the fittest

2029 Words
Winter When I was young, my parents warned my brothers and me all about rogues. Rogue Lycans and Werewolves are all angry and violent creatures. Rogues are nothing like wild wolves such as us; they are vile. Not all rogues will attack. Some just want a pack to join so they can belong somewhere. However, there are those rogues who will kill without breaking a sweat or feeling remorse. There is no reasoning with them, though you could try. Mom told us about rogue Lycans, and Dad told us about rogue Werewolves. Neither sounded pleasant and never did I want to bump into one. Dad taught all the kids in the pack how to defend themselves in case they ever came across rogues. I used to love those days because I was included. Being included made me feel special, though my brothers never let me train like the boys. Se.xist pigs! Mom taught me when was the right time to stand and fight and when to hide. Hiding doesn’t make you a coward. When you’re outnumbered, hiding will save your life. Today, I was outnumbered by rogues. They couldn’t smell me because the masking spray prevented them from doing so. Luckily for me, I saw them before they saw me. I counted seven, but there could have been more of them. I didn’t hesitate to leap into the nearest tree and climb to the top. I’m very good at moving around without being heard, and that includes climbing trees. My grandfather always called me ‘Ghost’ because I could sneak up on people without them knowing until they turned around and saw me right behind them. I sat on a thick branch, looking down at those men and women. I didn’t understand the language they spoke, though they kept switching to English, and I wondered why they weren’t moving on. I couldn’t leave the tree and continue my journey until they left. I tried again for the hundredth time since I left home to call Finn. I don’t know why I called him telepathically, but something told me that’s how I’d contact him. I remember all those years ago when Kailus and Cree dragged me away from Finn, how he spoke to me telepathically. I called his name, and finally, he answered me. I couldn’t believe it and almost screamed in joy. Thankfully, I remembered myself and clamped my mouth shut. If I hadn’t, those rogues would have forced me out of the tree, and Goddess knows where I’d be now. ‘Finn, is that really you?’ ‘Yes, my Winter Starr, it’s really me.’ My heart skips a beat. Finn always called me Winter Starr. ‘How did you know it was me?’ ‘I felt it. Stay where you are, Winter. I'll be there soon.’ I close my eyes and lean my head back against the tree. I’ve finally found him, my Finn. It took three days of travel, but I got there. Goddess, I must be close to Finn’s pack. But I wonder how he ended up near my birth pack when he was a small boy. He could not have traveled three hundred miles alone to see me. ‘He could have been visiting a nearby pack, Winter.’ ‘I know, Wren,’ I answer my Wolf. ‘I was just thinking. Something to do to pass the time. I can’t believe Finn will be here soon. I am so excited to see him!’ Wren laughs inside my mind. ‘I know you are. Just don’t get too attached, Winter. Your birthday is next week, and Fenrir will be coming for you.’ ‘I know.’ I sigh because I know that unless Finn tells me he wants me, I will have to leave with Fenrir next week. That doesn’t mean I can’t spend the week getting to know Finn. All I ever wanted was Finn. I prayed to Selene so many times to break the bond with Fenrir and make Finn my mate. Never did she answer my prayer. I know that because Fenrir would know already, and war would have broken out. ‘He won’t let you reject him, you know? You belong to Fenrir, and you’re going to have to get used to that, Winter.’ ‘I have a choice, Wren. No one will make me do anything I don’t want to do. I’m not the girl to be pushed around.’ ‘Just by everyone back home?’ ‘Please don’t start…’ “Hello, beautiful.” I startle, and my eyes widen to see the man now crouching on the branch where I’m sitting. I was so lost talking to Wren that I didn’t notice him climb the tree. How stupid could I have been? The first rule of survival is awareness of your surroundings! Goddess damn, I hoped I could stay hidden until Finn arrived. “What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?” I don’t answer the man. I slip off the branch and fall to the ground. I land on my feet in front of six others. The guy from the tree lands in front of me with a smirk. I look left and right as the rogues circle me. I’ve never had to fight for my life before. I’ve practiced, but it’s not the same as being in a situation where I could die. I can’t let panic settle in; I need to keep my head. Negotiating with them might help, but being unable to talk doesn’t. I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this without injury, but I won’t give up without a fight. “She’s not all that.” A blonde rogue snickers. I hadn’t realized my hood had fallen from my head when I jumped from the tree. “Oh, I don’t know,” A dark-haired guy smirks. “I think we could all do bad things to this one. Imagine getting off all over that.” Oh, fuc.king disgusting! I’ve never done anything se.xual. I wouldn’t even know where to start. But these morons aren’t talking about me doing anything; they want to do things to me, even the two women. They’ve got no chance! ‘We’re outnumbered, Winter.’ ‘I can see that, Wren. But I will not lie down and take what they want to give.’ ‘That’s my girl!’ “What are you doing out here all alone?” I watch my surroundings while looking at the tall, red-haired man now addressing me. “Can you not talk?” I snarl at the man, who smirks. He snaps his fingers, and all seven rogues pounce. If I could describe this moment, I would say slow motion. That’s how everything looks to me right now – slow motion. I leap in the air, twist, and land on my feet behind them. They turn to look at me, some shocked, some surprised, but the biggest guy smiles. “Well, I haven’t seen that before. What exactly are you, little one?” “I don’t think she can talk, Marcus.” One of the women states. “Plus, she’s dressed like an assassin. Maybe we should let her go.” Marcus backhands the woman so hard she flies into the nearest tree. Men they think they’re so superior to us women. It’s time somebody taught Marcus here a lesson. Clearly, he’s in charge, as no one said anything about what he did. Cowards! I slip my backpack off my back and drop it to the floor. ‘Lend me your strength, Wren.’ ‘You know I will. But are you sure this is a good idea?’ With the stealth of a ninja, I smirk and snatch my daggers from my hips and fling them through the air. Holy cow! My blades hit their marks, one between the tree guy's eyes, the other embedded in Marcus’ chest. Tree guy falls down dead, and Marcus falls to his knees, eyes wide. He's not long for this world. Good. I've never killed anyone before, and when all this is over, if I survive, it will hit me hard. But I can't think about that right now; I have to keep fighting. “What the!?” I don’t know who said that, but the four around me waste no time attacking. I’ve never had a fight before, though I have practiced sparring with five others. What I learned as a child comes in handy, though it’s not easy to fight off stronger wolves. However, it’s clear to see they’ve had no formal training. I grit my teeth when one rogue gets close enough to punch me in the ribs. Damnit that hurt! I push through the pain and dip low, sliding between one man's legs. I retrieve my dagger from tree guy's head and fling it at the blonde woman, killing her instantly. Three down, three to go. We dance around each other, getting hits in now and again. I’m tired, and I’ve sustained a few injuries. But I’ll survive… I hope. I scream when one of my daggers lands in my thigh. I was so busy fighting with one man that I didn’t see another get my knife and stab me with it. I stumble back and try not to whimper. I forgot the blades were laced in silver, hence why it hurts so much. My leg is going numb, and I know I won’t be able to fight much longer. I can’t let these men get the better of me! I grab the handle of the knife in my thigh and yank it out with a scream. Goddess, that hurt! I’m breathing hard while trying to pull myself up off the ground. One of the men crouches down in front of me and laughs. “You fought bravely, little one. But now, it’s time to die.” I look at him and think, you first. In less than a second, the blade of my dagger slides across his throat, cutting it wide open. His eyes widen as he grabs his throat, but it’s too late; nothing can save him now. There are still two more men to deal with, but my sight is starting to blur. I need to keep going, but I know the only way I’m still awake is the adrenaline rushing through my veins. “What Peter, she killed everyone!” “Yeah, but she’s weakening. We can take her.” Peter, as the other guy called him, crouches in front of me and grabs the front of my hair, yanking my head back. “You are one crazy bitc.h” “Stop, Peter!” The girl Marcus threw into a tree limps over. “Please, let's just leave. I don’t want to die here.” “Shut up, Anita! I won’t let this murdering live. She killed our family!” “Because you all attacked her for no reason! This is why people think rogues are bad.” “We are bad,” He smirks without taking his eyes off me. “And I am going to enjoy this little slu.t before I gut her.” “Is that right?” Peter lets go of my hair and stands. “Who the hell are you?” “Your worst nightmare.” I fall on my side, unable to keep myself up any longer. Through blurred vision, I see a tall, well-built man decimating the remaining rogues. I want to yell at him not to kill Anita; she tried to help me. Mom taught me to show mercy on those who repent. But I can’t say anything; I can’t even think anything. I close my eyes because they’re just too heavy to keep open. “Will she be okay?” I hear someone say as I float through the air. “If I have anything to do with it…” The world is dark, but it’s peaceful here. Am I dead? Well, that’s a fuc.king bummer! AN: So, what do we all think of Winter so far? Should she have fought or run? Let me know what you thought of this chapter, you know how I love your comments!
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