Brother, where are you?

2036 Words

Fenrir ‘Kitty, please calm down.’ Winter tries reasoning with Kitty through the mind link, but the girl is distraught. Jörmungandr took off after being accused of forcing himself on Kitty. I saw the look in his eyes; he was off to kill something. I should have listened to my brother. We may not have seen each other in two hundred years, but I don’t get the feeling he would hurt a woman in the way he was accused. “I can’t calm down! Nobody understands. Jordan didn’t do anything I didn’t want him to. Please let me go find him?” Winter looks at me with pleading eyes while Dane growls. “You do not growl at your Luna! I will kill you where you stand!” ‘Fenrir, calm down!’ Winter grabs my arm as Dane grabs Kitty’s arm. “I’m sorry, my Luna. I forgot myself for a moment. But, Alpha, I know

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