A Childish Anticipation

1521 Words
“So these are the pale demons that people reported sightings of… I thought they were my fiends…” Julius said after he saw Grand Demon Cali and the rest of her cohorts hiding out within the Ecklewood Forest.  “Another Grand Demon… how exciting. The dark alliance sure is putting their all in trying to meet me...are they expecting two Grand Demons to intimidate me or something?” Julius had a smirk on his face as he thought about this out loud. Just two Grand Demons weren’t enough to intimidate him even with the looming threat of the humans that were marching to attack him and his people. Stepping into the Shifting Hallows that had largely been transformed into their domain was going to be a mistake that they would be too late for them to regret once they saw their own troops slowly transform and mutate into fiends. That was the beauty of Julius’s plasm-infected lands. Without him even needing to do anything, he would slowly be able to reverse the advantage that they had. The humans were banking on their numbers, but those numbers would become his instead if they stepped into his lands. All Julius needed to do was buy time for the infected to transform and that was easy considering how vast the Shifting Hallows was and the fact that his base’s current location was now at the southern half of the hallows. It would take months for the humans to locate his base and even if they did manage to find it, it was just one of the many sanctums he currently had. Unless the light alliance scoured through every nook and cranny of the Shifting Hallows, they wouldn’t be able to completely eliminate his fiends. As long as his hero units were safe and at least one of his sanctums remained unharmed, Julius would be able to rebuild his forces and with the massive amount of resources the light alliance was sending to him, he would win even if he lost. Julius had set his sights on something else but he needed more time and more resources to accomplish that. The humans sending him an army of what he could only see as blood and flesh was exactly what he needed right now. Instead of trying to find a way to stop the humans from attacking him, Julius actually welcomed it. Another thing he was anticipating was the demons who were going to launch their assault on the Harrdigor continent once they saw the humans screw up and lose a large chunk of their forces attacking him and his fiends. More chaos was undoubtedly going to ensue and Julius would definitely be there to take advantage of that. “It’s going to be a time for war...I can hardly wait to see the world plunge into utter chaos and these humans are going to be the ones sparking it! I didn’t even have to do anything and they delivered themselves to me!” Of course, Julius did do something. A large factor why the humans were hell-bent on attacking him and his fiends were due to the false information he had purposefully spread through the light alliance. He painted himself and the fiends as a menace to humanity that needed to be eliminated immediately. Julius wasn’t even a little bit worried that the rest of the light alliance might jump onto the opportunity to attack him. Despite being in an ‘alliance, the other races of Harrdigor weren’t of one mind and objective. This could already be seen from the long-lasting grudge between the humans and the orcs as well as the relationships every other race had between themselves. The beastmen disliked both the orcs and humans because some unscrupulous people would raid their territory and take their kin away to be sold as slaves. The only true ally the beastmen had were the dwarves and as for the elves, their relationship was a tad bit strained. Speaking of the elves, their true ally was only the dwarves and no one else. Every other race in the world the elves looked down on in contempt because of how they handled themselves and how they handled mother nature. Due to these intricate relationships with each other, no one responded to the humans’ call-to-arms against the fiends. The beastmen and elves didn’t see the fiends as a threat because they were allied with the dwarves while the orcs previously had 2 of their champions and armies spared so they owed the fiends a favor which they ‘paid off’ by not attacking them this time around. Thanks to this splintered alliance, Julius was able to laugh proudly to himself that he had definitely outplayed and outsmarted an entire intelligent species. Of course, not all of the humans had stupidly rallied their armies together to attack him. Most of the ones that rallied this time around were those that were under the influence of the Holy Light Religion. They were the ones that had made the call-to-arms and used their influence to pull in the kingdoms and forces that were heavily influenced by their religion. Well, it wasn’t too much of a surprise since they were the ones that lost the most in the recent clash against the fiends. As far as the other human kingdoms and Empires that weren’t at all influenced by the religion, they didn’t care at all whether the fiends were a threat to humanity or not. From their standpoint, this was all just a personal vendetta from the church’s side since they had suffered such a humiliating loss. Those un-influenced human kingdoms and Empires were actually glad that somebody had put those robe-wearing leeches in their place for once. Even the humans didn’t have a solid unity amongst themselves so it was quite hilarious on Julius’s end to watch as everything unfolded. He was a bit bummed that not all of the humans jumped onto the bandwagon but he couldn’t hope for everything to go his way. The dark alliance’s solidarity was much better than the light alliance’s despite their names indicating one was evil and the other was good. It was quite ironic actually and Julius was glad that his race of people was without such hypocrisy.  Naturally, not everything was as horrible as it sounds since there were still some small pockets of areas where all 5 races of the light alliance lived in peace and harmony with each other. Some of these places even had interbred species of humans, orcs, beastmen, dwarves, and elves. Julius released a sigh after he exited from the Nucleus and let Zweit replace him. He remembered to give Sammael the order to not attack those pale demons just yet and instead wait for Bael to group up with his sister, Cali. “My fists are itching for a fight...what good is it if I have this power and not be able to use it?” Julius was a little irked from the lack of battle he had been experiencing as of late. His wife was still in secluded cultivation, his fiends were doing all the work for him while he remained idle.  Well, not necessarily idle. He had been continuously cultivating and training his positive and negative energies during this entire time since he now had so much time on his hands. However, he was still just a 15 year old so no matter how mature he acted or seemed to be, Julius was still just a kid who had experienced so much already in his life that he seemed more like an adult and this was something many of his allies didn’t even know. He still wanted to have a taste of some action despite how immature this notion seemed because, in the end, Julius was just acting his age. “These demons better give me something to look forward to...or else I’ll bury them here in the Shifting Hallows…” Julius said as he closed his eyes and observed the demons who were resting in a hidden spot within the Ecklewood Forest. His mimic that had been dispatched to deal with the pale demons were searching through the forest right now but they wouldn’t be able to find them no matter how hard they looked because the demons had set up an illusory field around their hiding spot. His fiends were naturally immune to these mental tricks but Julius wasn’t going to use the mimic he had planted into the mercenary squad to rat out the demons’ location. It wasn’t time to antagonize these demons since he still wanted to see what they would do to pull him into their alliance and hopefully for them, it would be something interesting and not just some stupid threats or the like.
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