
1275 Words
Zahraa POV “Are you sure this is going to help?” I asked, for what I swore was the sixteenth time. I’d had a full wardrobe change after we ate, wearing something a little less risky that covered me from head to toe. He took my gloved hand and pulled me onto my couch next to him. He’d set up his phone on the lip of a mostly-dead potted plant I’d received as a graduation gift from a kindly older omega, with the camera pointed at us. “Absolutely,” he replied, with a confidence I wish I had. “The people that care enough about me to bully you about it will be following me on social media. So, we take this live. We announce that I haven’t rejected you, that we’re together.” I felt a lump rise in my throat, and I didn’t realize why at first – but those words rang in my ears. We’re together. I sucked in a deep breath and released it, and Jacob looked at me, brows drawn, as if he realized he was trying to sneak something by me. “What’s wrong?” “Together,” I repeated. “You said… together.” He nodded slowly, as if he didn’t understand the significance himself. Then, realization dawned on his face like a sun cresting over the horizon. “Does that mean… I mean, I thought we were just trying this out.” “We are,” he said, too fast. “I mean – were? I just…” he swallowed, as if he knew he was getting ahead of himself. “I just… when I heard what they’d done to you, I was furious. More so than I’d been about anyone or anything in…” he sucked air through his teeth, then exhaled in one big breath. “Forever.” His eyes met mine, and I found myself lost in them for a moment. His hand slid onto my lap, his thumb making circles on the black leggings I’d thrown on. “So… if you like…” I put my hand over his and carefully slid it off. “Sorry, Jacob, really. But I still need time.” I dropped my gaze to my lap, unwilling to lock eyes with an expression of pain I’d inspired. “What they did to me… over so little…” “I understand,” he spoke quickly again, but the expression that twisted his face told me he didn’t. “Take all the time you need.” “Sure,” I breathed. He clapped, and the noise startled me out of my spiraling thoughts. “Okay! So, we’ll let them know that I haven’t rejected you, nor do I plan to. I’ll explain that we’re trying things out, but you did not intentionally hurt me – I’ll do the talking, so you just have to sit there and smile, okay?” Again, that sounded far easier than it actually was. I nodded, nonetheless. “Okay,” Jacob breathed in, then released as he hit the live! button. “Hey guys! I’m coming at you live from Zahraa’s apartment. I wanted to clear the air about some nasty rumors that have been going around.” He glanced at me, and I pasted the brightest smile I could. It felt tight, and uncomfortable. “First of all, I did not reject Zahraa at my birthday party Friday. That flinch you saw had nothing to do with Z, so for those of you who’ve been saying nasty things about her, I’d recommend you stop.” There was a growl under his voice then, and I tried not to flinch at it myself. “Please bear in mind that Zahraa isn’t a wolf like us,” he softened his voice. “She needs time to process, reflect and think on things before we proceed. By treating her unkindly, you’re making her mind for her.” He squinted at the phone’s display, and I realized why when I peered closer. Comments and questions were flooding in. Is it true we don’t know what Z is? Are you really going to keep something like that in the alpha family? We don’t even know where she comes from… I heard she’s dangerous. I’m from the Northern Pack – she is dangerous. Don’t let her fool you. “We don’t have time for questions now, but if anyone has any truly pressing concerns, feel free to drop by my office and we can talk it out.” He flashed his teeth in what might’ve looked like a smile to the naked eye, but I recognized as a threat. He was saying come say that to my face. And surely no one would. He ended the live, and the expression fell flat. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, Z. This is going to take time. But that should stop the outright violence. And Rowan said you don’t have to work anymore so…” “Yeah.” The word came out sounding so small. Working had given me a sense of community – of belonging. And I’d lost that all in one night. Because of him. He was quiet, and I think he knew along what line my thoughts were headed. “I talked to Rowan,” he said, turning, hiking a leg up on the couch so he could better read my expression. I remained as I was – knees together, hands gripping them, eyes locked on my coffee table. From my peripherals, I saw him reach towards me, think twice, and retreat. “I know you want to find your family, and where you come from. I thought we could start on that immediately.” I finally met his eye, and he looked hopeful. “We could meet in my office, in the evenings. We can start-” “Jacob.” There must’ve been something in my tone because he shifted, the light in his eyes fading into concern. “Yeah?” he prodded when I didn’t immediately continue. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to meet for a while,” I sighed. “At least… not until this tides over. Those people in the comments…” I shook my head, wrapping my arms around myself in a sad attempt to comfort myself. “They hate me.” “No,” he shook his head, his voice firm. He stood and started pacing. “No, I can’t protect you if you hide yourself away. It doesn’t help anything – not in the long run.” He stopped in front of me, and when I didn’t lift my eyes, he dropped to his knees to meet my gaze. “I wish people like them didn’t exist – those close-minded idiots who bully, degrade – who make people feel like nothing. But there’s nothing we can do except change their minds. And we can’t do that if you’re locked in here.” “I don’t know…” I said, turning my head. “I just…” “I know you’re scared,” he said, hand gripping my knee again. I relished the warmth of it. “I got your file from Rowan. We can go through it together – see if we can find anything they missed.” And that… well, that was enticing. I’d never actually seen my file, but I’d been told they explored all possible avenues. But maybe seeing it would trigger something – a memory, maybe. I couldn’t pass it up. I took a deep breath, and on the exhale, I said, “Sure.”
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