
1100 Words
Zahraa POV Truth or Dare. It wasn’t a simple question – at least, not here it wasn’t. I could see all the eyes in the room on me, some set curiously, some maliciously. Ingrid’s head tilted slightly to the side, and from the way her eyes locked with the darer’s, I could only assume Ingrid was linking her on my behalf. Truth carried with it the risk of not being able to answer the question I was presented with, or exposing an uncomfortable truth. Dare might mean something dangerous or mortifying – judging by the glint in my newfound enemy’s eyes, I would guess dangerous. “Amber,” Ingrid said aloud, stepping forward. “Dare,” I replied, cutting her off. The only thing worse than backing down from a challenge here, would be having my friend take up for me. Never show weakness to a wolf. Amber’s lips curled in an awful, vicious grin. “You heard her, Ingrid. Sounds like she’s game.” She tapped her beautifully painted cherry-colored lips thoughtfully, crossing her slender legs and bouncing her high-heel clad foot. “I’ll be nice since you’re just joining the game. Zahraa, how about you give Tony a hug?” A group of leering men burst into jeers as they pushed one of the older, bigger, taller men forward. He was handsome, sure, with rippling muscles that looked like they’d have no problem ripping me in half. I slid off the stool and met him halfway. He towered over me, and I gulped. An awkward side hug would only incense Amber and send a message to the crowd that I was a push over. I wrapped my arms around him fully, and to my surprise, he retaliated, squeezing me, his hands roaming uncomfortably close to my rear as he leaned down and sniffed. “You smell… different,” he murmured. I could feel the warmth of him against my cheek, and I feared the consequences if someone so large brushed my cheek. I cleared my throat, pulling away from him. “Thanks for being a sport,” I awkwardly spat out as I stepped away. I could see his eyes following me as I returned to my stool. “That means, until Allison gets back, that it’s Tony’s turn,” Amber purred mischievously. “Tony, choose your victim.” Tony’s eyes slid over to me, and I gulped. Even if I wasn’t the recipient of the dare, I was sure I’d be involved in whatever shenanigans he had planned. “Ingrid,” he said, eyes darting to her suddenly. “Truth or dare?” “Truth,” she answered without hesitation. My attention slid past her, back to the entrance of the den. Allison had returned, leading Jacob by the tie. He seemed to be invested in her attention, his arm hanging around her waist, his eyes perusing her body. I moved my eyes, feeling as though I’d witnessed something private. Tony nodded thoughtfully, mulling over a question, doubtlessly to find one that would stir up drama. He surprised us all when he asked a relatively tame question. “What’s your biggest fear?” The wolves around him groaned. One even reached out and slapped his arm, then called him lame. Ingrid took a moment to answer, then admitted, “Never finding my mate – or being rejected by him.” “Lame,” Amber professed, waving dismissively. “But I suppose it’s your turn now – oh! Allison’s back! And look who she brought. Are you going to join us, Jacob?” Was it just my imagination, or did his eyes flicker to mine? “Sure,” he replied, adding a little extra honey to his voice. He slid away from Allison, separating, casually shoving her hand away from his tie. “I don’t see why not.” “Then, since Allison’s back, it’s her turn!” Amber declared. I saw the way Ingrid shrank back, as if shunned from the pack. “Let’s see, let’s see… Jacob,” she said, “Truth or dare.” “Dare,” Jacob replied without hesitation – as probably every other male here would. “Give us a strip tease,” she purred. “Let’s show the ladies what’s about to be off-limits!” Jacob laughed as the crowd pushed him to the table Amber had perched on. She cleared off when he was pushed up onto it, and again, our eyes connected. Holding my gaze, he removed his tie and threw it into the crowd. The vest came off next, and that ended up landing on Amber, who giggled, as if she’d thought it was for her. But her eyes traced his attention back to me, and that giddy joy faded. He started unbuttoning his shirt, button by button, revealing bronzed skin stretched over defined muscles and- “Goddess, this is ridiculous,” Ingrid huffed. “Zahraa, do you…” I snapped my eyes away, swallowing and batting my eyes, as if coming out of a trance. “What?” “Oh my goddess, girl, were you drooling?” Her expression was a conflicting mix of disgust and disbelief. “No,” I snapped, too quickly to be anything close to believable. “Of course not,” I added, as if that might make my claims any better. “I just…” She nudged me with her arm. “He is attractive. Do you like him?” Yes. The answer came to me from somewhere deep within, and caught me so off guard that I choked on the sip of punch. Instead of answering, my eyes drifted back to Jacob, where he was unbuttoning his pants. Again, our eyes met. I very intelligently answered with, “Um…” “Okay, okay, that’s enough of a sneak peak; let’s keep this party PG.” Amber laughed, tossing his clothes back to him. And the spell on me ended. I cleared my throat. “I don’t know. I mean, he’s been perfectly nice to me…” Ingrid’s supportive smile faltered. “Well, be careful with him. You know how he can be.” “I do,” I wrapped my arm around her in a side hug. “So, Jacob. It’s your turn, birthday boy.” Jacob’s eyes fell on mine again, and he didn’t hesitate in saying my name. “Zahraa – truth or dare.” I swallowed, but my mouth was working faster than my brain today – I couldn’t believe the word that fell out, even as I heard my own voice say it. “Dare.”
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