Pick It Up

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Zahraa POV I skipped dinner that night, relying on a half-carton of pistachio ice cream and a cheesy reality show to get me through the night. My phone rang almost nonstop, and when I ignored that for three hours, someone banged on my door. I couldn’t tell who because I didn’t answer. After thirty minutes of being ignored, the apartment super was called, and they were escorted out. I would’ve stayed in my room forever but being a ward of the pack meant helping the omegas at times, and I had a shift today – that, and my stomach was rioting. So, I dressed in my usual conservative fashion and went downstairs to the cafeteria. The stares were felt immediately. Our breakfast was served buffet style, so I grabbed a plate and helped myself to eggs, bacon with a little side of seasonal fruit. Normally, I wouldn’t have to think too hard about where to sit – I knew all of the people in this building, for better or for worse. But now, they seemed to shuffle to fill as much space as possible when they saw me coming. I stood for a moment, cheeks blazing, until I saw an arm in the air, waving me over. Edgar. I sagged with relief, holding my head higher as I made my way to him and slid in across from him. He always took the one table pressed against the far wall – a table that seated only four, but usually only sat one. Today, it sat two. “Good morning,” I said, sliding in as though I didn’t feel like a social pariah all of a sudden. “Mornin’,” he replied, mouth full of pancake. He swallowed – thankfully - before asking, “Do you work today?” “I do,” I responded – then I jerked, remembering. It was Monday. I’d been blessed enough to know that I was staying, but Edgar… “When do you get your answer?” “I have a meeting with Alpha Rowan today at noon,” he said, staring into his syrup as if it might hold the answer. “Everyone has meetings today, so that’s not telling in any way.” He looked up, meeting my eye. “Well. Mostly everyone.” I felt my cheeks heat up again, and ducked my gaze to my plate, taking the first bite of too-salty eggs. I could feel his curious gaze on me, so I dropped my fork and sighed. “Okay. Go ahead. Ask it.” “They’re saying he rejected you,” he said without hesitation. “And they’re pretty pissed that you hurt a member of our alpha’s family.” I couldn’t help the ire that formed in my expression, my jaw relaxing as my eyes stared daggers into his. “Is there a question there, or…?” “What happened?” he asked. I sighed. And that would be the question I’d be answering often, wouldn’t it? “Nothing, really,” I admitted – and it was true. We’d stayed one night together, blessedly close enough to feel his breath on the nape of my neck, yet the inches between us felt like miles when I knew it might never close. “He didn’t reject me, we’re just not sure how to push forward. You know. Considering.” He nodded, “That explains why you don’t have a meeting,” Edgar sighed, sagging with relief. “We thought it was because they were kicking you out.” “No,” I replied, picking the fork back up to prod at my food once more. I remembered the night before, the cold water that smelled like bathroom. “At least, not yet.” As if Edgar could sense the shift in my demeanor, he forced a smile. “Hey, that’s good, isn’t it? I’m sure Jacob will protect you no matter what happens.” “Yeah,” I agreed – but he couldn’t, could he? In a pack this size, there would always be cracks in the defenses. And as often as I left the pack grounds… I slipped into my thoughts so easily and naturally, that I didn’t even notice when my plate was cleared. I sighed. “I should report to Dani. I forgot to ask – do you have a shift today?” “Yeah, but later,” he replied, standing with his own plate, and walking me to the trash cans and dish cart. Since he had his aversion to the supernatural, he often worked overnight shifts which, according to him, suited him fine. “I’ll catch you around, Z.” He hesitated. “And, uh… if you ever need a table to sit at, you’re welcome at mine.” I smiled. “Thanks.” Leaving the ward building, I hurried along the busy streets of the pack lands to the northern pack house. Danielle was the head omega, and while some people thought she was cruel, I’d never had any such qualms with her. I found her to be fair and rather kind, actually. But when I arrived today, there was a definite shift in her demeanor. “Zahraa,” she greeted coldly. “Help clean the cafeteria up, and once training is over, the bathrooms.” Two of the worst jobs imaginable. “Yes, ma’am,” I replied. I started to shuffle past her when she grabbed my arm. I looked at her with a flash of fear – I wasn’t helpless, sure, but my strength couldn’t contend with that of wolves. “Stay covered. I’ll have no repeats of Saturday night, do you understand me?” Her eyes were hard, and her grip tight. I only nodded, afraid my words might come out wrong. She let me go with a hard shove, and I stumbled forward, catching my footing before I fell. I hurried to the kitchens. There were omega girls that I’d worked with before. Patricia, Elaine, and Rayleigh weren’t the most pleasant omegas either – they loved spreading gossip and hate whenever they got the chance. Whatever they’d been chattering about now, they stopped and stared at me. “Hey,” I greeted, weakly. They ‘hmph’ed in unison and looked down at where they were pre-rinsing dishes to go in the big dishwasher – except for Rayleigh. “Why don’t you go collect another cart, Z?” she asked. “Sure,” I replied, distracted by the phone buzzing in my pocket. Jacob. Again. I opened my messages to see I really need to talk to you – soon. Sure, I typed quickly. But I’m working now. The moment I hit send, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, and heard a wet squelch. Something wet, hot, and heavy started rolling down my spine until it fell onto the floor. When I turned to look at it, it was a sudsy biscuit. I looked back up to see Patricia looking particularly pleased with herself while Elaine giggled behind her. “Well?” Rayleigh said, hands on her hips. “Don’t just stand there. Pick it up.”
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