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Intake Record, Zahraa, Last Name Unknown April 17, 2012 Subject: Zahraa, Last Name Unknown Species: Unknown Abilities: Teleportation via door. Shapeshifting [appears to be that of a leopard only. Unlike shifts seen in other races]. Harms other beings that touch her with an unknown magic [self-defense?] Physical Description: Brown skin, curly black hair, golden eyes. Unusual markings on the neck and chest. Parentage: Unknown. Notes: Zahraa was found when we raided the warehouse of a local gang we suspected of non-human trafficking. Other subjects were identified and returned to their families within weeks of rescue, but there seems to be no missing persons describing anyone by the name of Zahraa. She claims to be from an orphanage, but no local orphanages claim to be missing a child with that name, matching her description. Outreach to other orphanages within the state underway. Zahraa was found in an unregulated underground shelter area with the other victims. Scared, she attempted to run from the rescue team. Several were hurt when they tried to grab her. Eventually, she was wrapped in a blanket and brought in. For the first week, the child wouldn’t talk to anyone. Then, slowly, she began to open up to a boy roughly her own age. She remembers nothing of her life before, just that she was in a supposed ‘orphanage’ [possible she’s been with traffickers for a long time. Child is severely underweight. Her growth seems behind that of other children her own age.] She remembers nothing about her capture, and nothing about her time with the traffickers, who are suspected to be gang members, but that association is yet unproven. The child therapist does not recommend hypnotherapy at this time, as she is yet unstable, and we’ve no idea what power this child holds. For now, we’ve taken her on as a ward of the Wild Fangs Pack. Signed Alpha Xavius Pagiel, of the Northern Pack July 1st, 2012 Alpha Xavius, The Aggrande Court appreciates your correspondence alerting us to the presence of one Zahraa [Surname Unknown]. As requested, we’ve scoured our databases for missing children under that name and description. No matches were found. An appointment has been scheduled for January 12th, 2013 to attempt to divine the whereabouts of the child’s family. We request updates of the development of this child. It is the council’s belief that her abilities could grow into something dangerous. Alert us immediately if so, and we will remove her from your care. For now, we leave her with you. Aggrande Court Elder, Rosemary Adams. Appointment Summary Date: January 12th, 2013 Client: Zahraa [Surname Unknown] Diviner: Felicia Daye Results: Inconclusive. Notes: Felicia Daye attempted several types of divination with Zahraa [Surname Unknown]. She saw nothing at all when scrying with her crystal ball. She attempted a water scrying and saw the following: A leopard cub playing with a boy, hiding behind a couch. Zahraa watching the rain from a window bench seat. St. Marjorie’s School for Girls, a row of three girls seen from the back. A serpent strike an older version of Zahraa. A fight, the participants blurred through Zahraa’s tears. Unable to make sense of the visions, Felicia attempted Dream Scrying, a usually low-risk form of divination. It is unknown what Felicia saw in Zahraa’s dreams, but she went into a trance too deep to wake her from, and began having convulsions. Her apprentice broke the ties between her and Zahraa, and she was removed from the room. Due to the volatile nature of Zahraa’s tests, no further testing will be permitted. DNA Test Results Date: May 4th, 2013 Subject: Zahraa Snow Results: Inconclusive Summary: Blood test results known to identify the race of a supernatural with 100% accuracy were unable to identify Zahraa Snow. Her ancestry appears to be from the Middle East, though we were unable to pinpoint a country. Incident Report Date of Report: August 28th, 2014 Person Filing Report: Full Name: Auriah Masiv Role/Title: Beta of Northern Pack The Incident Date of Incident: August 28th, 2014 Time: 9:34am Location: Ward Quarters, Youth Unit Describe the Incident: Zahraa was on duty to aid with kitchen cleanup. According to witnesses, she lashed out unprovoked. She shifted and attacked two other wards. One sustained severe injuries and had to be rushed to the hospital. Several items in the kitchen were broken, including the dishwasher, rice cooker and an iron griddle. The victims of the attack, one human and one witchling, claim that they’d been doing the dishes dutifully and talking amongst themselves when Zahraa entered the room with several dishes. She dropped a few, which broke, and they had offered to help her clean them. Zahraa shifted then, dropping the rest of the dishes, and pounced on the human. Zahraa claims that they’d taunted her, calling her an “untouchable freak” and claiming that her family abandoned her for it. Zahraa wasn’t sure why, but she was furious when they mentioned that. This Incident is to be reported in all of the wards’ files, and a mark put on their record. Zahraa was put in solitary for three days for wounding another ward. Person(s) Involved: Full Name: Andrew Draken Race: Witchling Identification: None Notes: 12 y/o Male. Ward of Northern Pack since 2004. 0 marks on record. Full Name: Hayden Malloy Race: Human Identification: None Notes: 11y/o Male. Ward of Northern Pack since 2011. 1 mark on record. Incident Report Date of Report: December 26th, 2014 Person Filing Report: Full Name: Danielle Augar Role/Title: Head Omega of Northern Pack The Incident Date of Incident: December 24th, 2014 Time: 11:00pm Location: Ward Quarters, Youth Unit Describe the Incident: At the annual Christmas Eve caroling event, Andrew stuck several pieces of gum in Zahraa’s hair. When Zahraa was told by another ward, she pounced atop Andrew and held onto to him, which put them both in extreme pain. This Incident is to be reported in all of the wards’ files, and a mark put on their record. Person(s) Involved: Full Name: Andrew Draken Race: Witchling Identification: None Notes: 13 y/o Male. Ward of Northern Pack since 2004. 1 mark on record. Full Name: Edgar Darwin Race: Human Identification: None Notes: 8 y/o Male. Ward of Northern Pack since 2012. 0 marks on record. Award of Excellence Date: October 2nd, 2016 Filed by: Danielle Augar, Head Omega of North Pack Awarded to: Zahraa Snow Notes: In preparation for a large, multi-pack event, Zahraa Snow was assigned kitchen cleanup duty when she noticed and stalled a wolf from another pack from poisoning food that was to be served to all in attendance. Zahraa grabbed the man’s arm, causing him to call out in pain. She endured until the adults returned to see him in the kitchens. Zahraa sustained a bruise to her cheek and a cracked rib. Even when accused of attacking the guest, she stayed calm and explained what happened with decorum that far surpasses her years. Award of Excellence Date: February 10th, 2017 Filed by: Auriah Masiv, Beta of North Pack Awarded to: Zahraa Snow Notes: Zahraa was assigned to clean an office adjacent to mine and noticed the door ajar with no one appearing to be inside. She heard rustling and quickly alerted a nearby omega to alert a gamma. Due to her quick action, we were able to apprehend someone attempting to access classified files. Award of Excellence Date: June 14th, 2018 Filed by: Danielle Augar, Head Omega of North Pack Awarded to: Zahraa Snow Notes: Awarded in recognition of constant thoroughness and cleanliness in regards to her work. Zahraa works harder than some of my adult omegas, and is always a smiling face among my workers. Incident Report Date of Report: November 7th, 2019 Person Filing Report: Full Name: Xavius Pagiel Role/Title: Alpha of Northern Pack The Incident Date of Incident: November 6th, 2019 Time: 1:30am Location: Ward Quarters, Youth Unit Describe the Incident: Several children snuck out and had a party in the empty in-ground pool around the Elmadre building. Alcohol was involved. Zahraa Snow was in attendance, as well as Andrew Draken and Rowan Pagiel. Rowan saw Andrew slip something into Zahraa Snow’s drink. He was unable to stop her before she ingested the substance, but he was able to secure Andrew before anything happened. The two fought, and there was significant property damage incurred. Zahraa went to the hospital, but was quickly cleared. Substance was a sedative, and she was released to the custody of her guardian family, the Kemps. Andrew’s coven was alerted to this incident, and he is formally blacklisted from all Wild Fangs Territory. Rowan was awarded an Award of Excellence. Person(s) Involved: Full Name: Andrew Draken Race: Witch Identification: Driver’s License #L0935266 Notes: 19 y/o Male. Former Ward of Northern Pack. Affiliated with the Total Eclipse Coven. Full Name: Rowan Pagiel Race: Werewolf Identification: None Notes: Son of our esteemed High Alpha.
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