"Cleaning House"

1333 Words
Zahraa POV Why should we keep you here at the Wild Fangs pack? I’d been pondering that question my entire senior year of high school – not just that, but was it in my best interest to stay? I’d decided that it was, and that they’d be fools not to have me. I sat a little straighter in my seat. “As you can see, I was chosen as valedictorian of St. Marjorie’s, and accepted into USC with a full-ride scholarship – the only costs of hosting me here would be that of food and housing. Most of my meals can be eaten on campus, those that cannot are meals I usually share with the other wards at the cafeteria.” I swallowed the lump in my throat, remembering first the glance he got of my meager snacks – and then how he’d trapped me against the wall of my pantry. I cleared my throat. “I haven’t been in trouble the entirety of my stay with the Wild Fangs, and I’ve no intention of starting now. Furthermore, my college major was selected solely with the intention of being of use to you.” Jacob quirked a brow. “And how often do you sneak out to go clubbing?” A furious blush darkened my cheeks. “Not often. My friends just wanted to celebrate graduation, is all.” Jacob nodded, though his expression read as though he didn’t believe me. “Right. Well. Let’s talk about your major – what is it again?” “Cybersecurity,” I replied, confidently. “Your pack does have a good number of IT personnel, however, not many of them specialize in cybersecurity. Considering the very sensitive matters that doubtlessly cross your servers, I would be able to help fill a crucial role here.” “I see,” Jacob leaned back in his chair. “And what do you stand to gain by staying here?” I wondered if he could hear my heart, due to how fast it was pounding in my chest. “Alpha Rowan has agreed to help me find my family.” I hadn’t thought my mouth could get any drier, yet now I felt as though I had a golf ball lodged in my throat. “And… help me discover some things about myself.” “Elaborate,” Jacob ordered. Tears threatened my eyes, stinging. This wasn’t the time to break down, but I couldn’t help but think these questions could be answered on the page, if only he’d read the papers. “We still don’t know what I am,” I forced out. “I don’t seem to be of any race that this pack has encountered before. I’m certainly not human, nor witch, nor vampire. They’ve taken me before a coven, and even the covens could not identify me.” Jacob nodded, scratching his chin. “I see. You certainly do seem to need the pack’s assistance. And you seem willing to help us in turn. I just have a few more questions for you.” I felt a needling sense of relief but fought it back – I’d be having none of that until I heard my final verdict. “Ask me anything.” “Your major, your grades, everything here seems polished to make me say yes,” he said, and his eyes connected with mine. His features dipped and contorted into something that looked akin to concern. “Cybersecurity – is that what you really want to do with your life?” No. I swallowed the truth and nodded enthusiastically, but I couldn’t force myself to say the words. So, I spoke around it. “I want to be of use, and more than anything else, I’d like to find out who I am. I just don’t have the resources to do it alone.” “I see,” Jacob nodded, looking down on the papers. “There’s something else here we need to discuss. The papers are all pretty vague about it, so I’d like you to explain in detail. You’re marked here as dangerous. Why is that?” There it was – the shoe dropping. My hands began to tremble, so I hid them in my lap. “It might be tied into the race thing. It might not. Alpha Rowan seems to think it’s a trauma reflex.” I stared down at my lap, my curls giving me only the barest glimpse of the concerned arch of Jacob’s brow. “Certain people can’t touch me.” “Can’t?” Jacob pressed. “Shouldn’t,” I corrected. “It… hurts both parties.” “And I assume that’s why you’re dressed that way?” he asked, indicating to the turtleneck. I could only nod. There was a long break, in which we stewed in silence. I would have stood from my chair and run from the room, if I hadn’t thought it would ruin the rest of my life. “So that’s why…” he muttered with a soft laugh. “I thought you hated me or something last night.” “No,” I spoke too quickly, head jerking up to meet his gaze. “No, not at all. I just…” I exhaled, and it felt like every ounce of tension was leaving my body. “It’s just… a lot to dump on someone, you know? Especially someone you’ve just met.” “Not to mention, you’ve probably heard every bad quality of mine on blast from Ingrid.” I could only offer a shrug and a nod. He laughed, this time a full and hearty laugh. “Well, that’s a relief. And honestly, it works in your favor. You are a prime candidate to stay with us, but also – it’d be bad to have you roaming the streets alone. If a human tried to touch you, for instance…” “Exactly,” I tried to hold back my smile – never before had my biggest setback given me some kind of leg up. “I’ve been cautious my whole life but living among wolves has allowed me to relax - at least when I’m at home.” Jacob nodded thoughtfully, but his frown began to worry me. Just as I was about to ask what the problem was, he cleared his throat. “So, especially if you’re going to in-person classes in USC, there will need to be ground rules.” I wanted to relax – ground rules sounded like I was staying. But they also felt like a tightening leash. “Okay,” I replied cautiously. “Your handler thus far has been Ingrid Kemp, and that’s fine…” he did some tapping on his keyboard, then nodded. “She’s also enrolled in USC, so there’s no need for any changes there. You’ve already got the notation that if you leave pack grounds, you need a handler present – that’s all well and good. I’ll be keeping these rules in place but adding an addendum. Once a month, you’ll need to check in with us. We’ll monitor your grades, keep an eye on your behavior and adjust rules as necessary. Sound agreeable?” I nodded, perhaps too hastily. “Sounds fantastic.” “Also,” he added, gathering my documents to hand them back to me, “it just so happens that I’ll also be starting at USC next semester. If something ever happens and Ingrid isn’t available, seek me out.” There was something smoldering in his eyes there. Something dark, primal, perhaps even predatory. It was… exciting. “Thank you,” I said, swallowing the lump in my throat. Jacob Pagiel is off limits. I reminded myself. It wasn’t like an intimate relationship was in my future anyways. “My father gets final say on these things, but I’ll put my seal of approval on your paperwork.” He stood, and I rose along with him. “You’ll have your final answer by Monday.”
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