What Next?

1477 Words
Zahraa POV “Okay, so, let’s go over this again really slowly,” Alanis said, pinching the bridge of her nose while she made a pinched expression. “Jacob was following you to the club, broke up you and some asshole getting too handsy, and said asshole paid your way into the Oracle and left you a business card?” “Correct,” I replied. “And the Oracle basically said some guy is going to take you home soon, and to listen to someone that’s already trying to tell you something.” “Basically,” Jacob affirmed with a nod. “And why is he here?” she hissed the last words, pointing her glare at Jacob. We were arranged in a circle on Alanis’s floor – minus Ingrid, who was in the bathroom changing out of her dress. Alanis and Tanis were already in their pajamas, wearing loose fitting soft pants with differing patterns, and baggy T-shirts. “He’s going to take me home,” I replied, my cheeks burning as the blood rushed to them. “We have some things we need to talk about.” “I can’t believe you’re giving him another shot,” Tanis said, shooting a glare that could kill in Jacob’s direction. “Listen, there should’ve been violence the first time you hurt her, but do it again, and there will be a murder, understand?” “Yes, ma’am.” Jacob replied, straightening his back to offer a mock salute. “I’m still considering castration,” Ingrid came out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. Her eyes connected with Jacob’s. “I mean, it’s not like he’s ever going to change.” Jacob tensed, then forced himself to relax with a deep breath. “Ingrid, I’m sorry. I was an i***t back then.” “And you’re an i***t now,” she snapped. “And you’ll be an i***t every day that follows.” “Ingrid,” I pleaded. “Can we not do this now?” Ingrid and I locked eyes. I could see the fire raging there, and I knew she hated nothing more than… well. Jacob. “Fine. For you. And only for you.” I offered a tired smile, then pushed myself up. “Well, if you’ll excuse me, ladies,” I pretended to dust off my Teen Titan Starfire pajama pants – I’d changed first, so Jacob could take his verbal beatdown and get it over with – then grabbed my overnight bag and slung it over my shoulder. “I’ll see you all next time.” “Next time?” Alanis huffed, “b***h, you best believe we’re getting coffee tomorrow.” Tanis and Ingrid all nodded their agreements, and I laughed. “Sure. Fine. See you then.” We shut the door on them, then descended the stairs of the quiet house – Alanis’s mom was almost always working, so the bottom floor was dark and empty – to the borrowed Mazda below. Jacob got the door for me, but his smile looked apologetic. How long was he going to look like that? How long was I going to feel like this muddy hurt? I got in with a muted, “Thanks,” and he ran around the hood to the driver’s side, slipping in and settling on the leather seats. We were halfway home when he finally broke the tense silence by asking, “So, what’s next?” I produced the card he’d given me. “I guess… call this guy. Zain.” Jacob took the card and set it on the wheel so he could read and drive. “Agricultural Consultant?” he read with an inquisitive tone. “That guy looked a little posh to be in agriculture, don’t you think?” I only shrugged. “I’m sure that’s a cover for something. I don’t know what, though.” I let the silence creep over the conversation like so many freezing, gripping fingers while I pondered something. Finally, I broke the ice with a statement: “He asked me what clan I was from. He said I was the same as him.” With wide eyes, I asked, “Do you think he meant… he must really know what I am.” Jacob frowned, handing the card back. “I don’t know. I mean, he was able to copy your Door magic." He paused, then, "I get all kinds of bad vibes from that guy. Don’t you?” I nodded; I couldn’t deny that he’d made me incredibly uncomfortable. He was too assertive, too confident with a woman he’d just met. I don’t know where he wanted to take me, but I was sure I didn’t want to be there. “I’m not going to tell you what your next step should be,” Jacob cast a sideways glance at me, then refocused on the road – still tiptoeing. Still dodging the subject. “But if you want me to, I can call this guy for you. I’m not sure I’ll get information from him, but maybe I can set up a meeting between us. All of us. I won’t leave you to face him alone.” Hesitantly – so hesitantly – he slid his hand over the center console, so it came to rest upon mine. I’d thought I wouldn’t encounter men after the club, so I’d only packed pajama pants and a tank top – so on the way home, I just wore that same lace undershirt, with my same fancy gloves. “I mean it – I’ll do anything you want me to. Just say the words.” I turned my hand over, feeling the warmth of him through my gloves. Maybe the goddess was right: my hand fit so comfortably, so perfectly within his. And he was handsome, flawed, yes, but who isn’t? I couldn't deny I was attracted to him; it felt like roots deep in my soul were waking up and reaching for him. Maybe the goddess was wrong: who would want a mate they can’t touch directly? It’s no surprise Jacob had gone hunting for some physical comfort, knowing I may never be able to provide it. How long would he be able to hold out this time? Both thoughts haunted me until we pulled up in front of the apartment. I got out – and to my surprise, he didn’t. I opened the door again and ducked my head in. “You’re not coming with me?” He looked surprised. “Can I?” We stared at each other blankly for a moment, before bursting out with laughter. I don’t know what we were laughing at – the way he’d looked so doe-eyed while asking permission, perhaps? Maybe it's just the absurdity of it all. The awkwardness we couldn’t seem to shatter between us. The awkwardness that only we could shatter. He got out and looped an arm around my waist – more confidently. I slapped his chest playfully, “Bad dog! No more humping other girls!” He caught my hand, drawing me in close. In my ear, he whispered, “Careful. It kind of sounds like you’re implying I could hump you.” My face was a raging fire at that. I pulled free. “I didn’t say that,” I said quickly – but I couldn’t deny it. I’d felt attracted to Rowan in a very childish way, idolizing him for the protection he'd offered me when I needed it most. He was above me, he was my alpha. But with Jacob, sometimes I felt like we were so close, and intimate. Like a lover I'd known all my life. I opened a Door from the front door of the apartment complex to that of my bedroom closet. We walked through, and I plopped down face-first in my bed and groaned. “What an awful night!” There was a dip in the bed, and when I rolled over, Jacob eclipsed me, wrapping his arms around me and laying his head on my chest, his ear above my heart. “I’m sorry,” he breathed. “Can I stay like this for a moment?” It was warm, and my whole body felt tingly. The lace only did so much to prevent contact, and with his skin connecting with mine in the barest of ways, we each got little electric shocks – but somehow, that only seemed to excite. “Yes,” I whispered, delicately stroking his sides – too unsure of myself to embrace him fully, but needing that connection. My heart must have been beating out of my chest, and I knew he could hear it where he was. It felt like my stars had aligned, like I was finally where I needed to be. For a second, it felt like home.
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