
720 Words
Jacob POV Fuck. Fuck, f**k, f**k, f**k. “Ow!” Amber cried, pulling herself up after Zahraa’s not-so-dramatic exit. I wish she’d screamed, or yelled, or engaged – but no, she just left. Somehow that hurt a hell of a lot more. “The hell were you thinking?” Amber grabbed my arm and yanked, trying to make me face her. I jerked free. “I don’t know,” I admitted freely – but it wasn’t about throwing her off of me. It was about Zahraa, betrayal. It was about how badly I’d f****d up – just like everyone knew I would. Finally setting eyes on her, I growled, “Get out.” She huffed a disbelieving laugh. “You can’t be serious. We haven’t even gotten started.” She stepped forward, exaggerating the sway of her hips in every step. She lay her hand on my chest and looked up at me through her long eyelashes. “You know I can do so much more for you.” Those words went straight to my d**k, sure, but my heart was racing and so was my mind. “No. You can’t – you’ve done enough damage here. Get out.” Her hand turned into a fist, clutching my shirt to keep me close. “Jacob Pagiel, you are mine,” she snarled. She pushed me back – or attempted to. I wasn’t the strongest of my brothers, but I was stronger than a female, beta bloodline or no. “I won’t give you up to some nameless b***h! Let her crawl back into the gutter she came from. You have me.” I took hold of her hand and pulled it off of me, then grasped her shoulders and turned her around while mind linking the gammas. I pushed her into the chair and trapped her between my arms, my hands gripping the rails of the chair as tightly as they could. “You listen here, and you listen good. You’re going to the cells for a few days. If I so much as see your face anywhere near me without good explanation, you’ll be back there for a few more days. We can play this game until you get banished if you want, but I don’t think you want to, and I don’t think you’d survive being some rogue’s bitch.” The fear in her eyes made me hate myself a little more, but hell, what else could I do to get through to her? I’d already broken it off with her twice. The gammas burst in and took her away with a look of confusion – and of course they’d be confused taking off the beta’s daughter. But they did, carrying her off as she spouted useless warnings about what her father would do to me when he found out, kicking and fighting with everything she had to get free. I knew exactly what her father would do: not a damn thing is what. Amber and I bonded over that much; how much our fathers couldn’t care less about us. I left my office, dialing a phone number I never thought I’d use as I locked up. “Uh, hello?” a confused female voice answered. And of course Ingrid would be confused. She probably didn’t know I had her number. “Hey, Ingrid, it’s Jacob – don’t hang up.” There was an obvious shift in her tone, going from sweet to angry. “What do you want?” “Do you know where Zahraa is?” A moment of silence, then an angrier, “What did you do?” “That’s not the point here, Ingrid. It’s a yes or no question.” No amount of derailing would help my case, it would seem. “I’m not telling you anything until you’ve told me what you did to her and why.” I sighed – I should’ve expected the brick wall. But… If she was demanding answers from me that meant Zahraa hadn’t gone to her. Not first, at least. I hung up without saying another word to incriminate myself and went straight back into my office. There were certain strings I could pull with my position to get me where I needed to go – and I wasn’t above pulling them.
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