Chapter 1

1790 Words
Aurora's POV My lungs burned as I sprinted across the training grounds, my powerful legs propelling me forward. I hurdled over obstacles and wove between targets, never slowing. This was my domain - the only place where my troubled thoughts faded away and I could lose myself in the moment. As I neared the finish line, I poured on one final burst of speed, my silver hair streaming behind me. "Aurora, 2 points: Silver, 0!" I broke through the end point with a triumphant yell, chest heaving from the effort. Another personal best. No matter what else was happening in my life, I could always rely on my physical skills. Silver, my wolf, snorted in my head as I finally slowed to a jog. "Go clean up girl, you stink." "Oh shut up, sore loser." I mumbled, glancing around the empty training yard. I knew it was time to clean up before dinner. Most of the pack had already retreated to their dens for the evening. Heading towards the public baths, I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I reek! As I entered the bathhouse, I was surprised to see it unusually crowded and noisy for this time of night. Multiple conversations were happening at once, echoing off the stone walls. "...murdered all of them in cold blood.." the closest one was saying. But as soon as I stepped through the doorway, all went silent. I kept my eyes down, ignoring the sudden hush that fell over the room. I was used to this reaction by now. Wherever I went in the pack, I received odd stares and gossips muttered underneath their breath. No one wanted to come near the strange girl with silver hair and tan skin who stuck out like a sore thumb. "It's her," someone whispered loudly. "Shh, she'll hear you!" another voice hissed back. I clenched my jaw and pretended not to notice as two young female pack members eyed me from across the baths. Ever since I was a child, the pack saw me as different, foreign. With my unusual looks, it was obvious I wasn't the Alpha's true daughter. Just the bastard child my mother birthed from an affair before she died. The pack tolerated me because Alpha Kayden kept me, but I would never truly be one of them. "Just ignore them." Silver whispered. I felt their stares on my back as I found an empty bath and quickly washed off the grime from training. The conversations gradually started up again, but in lower murmurs, as if I couldn't hear them gossiping about the outsider in their midst. I kept my eyes down and ignored them as always. "Why does she still stay with the pack?" one of them whispered. "She should have left long ago, but that's too late now," another replied. I didn't run because this was my mother's pack. Staying there kept me closer to her. I could leave anytime I want to, it's never too late. Or so I thought. Their words stirred up anger inside me, but my inner wolf remained silent. We both knew fighting back would only make things worse. After my bath, I returned to the small room I called home in the warriors' barracks. Ever since I came of age two years ago, Kayden had allowed me to live independently with the other Beta warriors. My warrior's allowance was meager, but enough for my simple needs. I was grateful to no longer rely on the Alpha's charity. But when I arrived at my room, I was surprised to find Scott, one of the Omega servants who attended the Alpha, waiting nervously outside my door. "S-sorry to disturb you, Aurora," the timid boy stuttered, avoiding my gaze. "But the Alpha requests your presence right away." My heart dropped into my stomach. In all my 20 years, Kayden had barely acknowledged my existence ever since he remarried and had his own biological daughter, Rose. What could he possibly want with me now? A thousand scenarios flashed through my mind, each more terrible than the last. "This can't be good," my wolf grumbled. "But we have no choice but to see what he wants." "Did he say what this is about?" I asked sharply, causing Scott to flinch. "N-no, Beta Aurora," he mumbled, staring fixedly at the floor. "Just that you need to come quickly." Clenching my jaw, I nodded. "Tell him I'm on my way." Scott scurried off, visibly relieved to be away from the intimidating half-breed warrior. I rushed to change from my training clothes into a simple but tidy wool dress. If Kayden wanted to see me, something serious must be happening. My mind was spinning with possibilities as I made my way quickly through the pack grounds. Kayden was an overbearing Alpha, controlling every aspect of the pack's lives. What new demand could he have that required my presence? "Stay calm," my wolf cautioned. "Getting worked up will only make things harder." I breathed deep, trying to settle my nerves. I took one more deep breath before entering Kayden's office. Kayden sat at the head of a large wooden table, flanked by his Beta and Gamma advisors. Their solemn faces told me this meeting wasn't just a friendly chat, the air was thick with tension, the only thing that could be heard was... muffled sob? I peered my head towards the sound and saw Rose's head buried in Kayden's lap, his hand raking through her dark hair. What was going on? "Aurora. Please sit," Kayden said coolly, gesturing to the empty chair across from him. I sat silently, clasping my hands tightly in my lap to hide their trembling. Kayden considered me for a moment, his face unreadable. "Tell me, Aurora, have I ever been unfair to you?" I bit my tongue, knowing better than to speak unless asked a direct question. "I gave you a place in this pack when I had no obligation to do so," he continued. "I allowed you food, shelter, training as a warrior. Doesn't that demonstrate generosity on my part?" His tone was calm, but there was an undercurrent of menace below the surface. I kept my eyes downcast, not trusting myself to speak. Kayden went on, listing the ways he had tolerated my presence, even rewarded me with privileges like an allowance and independent living quarters. All the while, the rest of the pack scorned me as an unwanted half-breed. His words painted him as a merciful leader and me as an ungrateful stray he had taken pity on. I felt my face burn in shame and anger, but I held my tongue. Arguing would only make this worse. "So after all the pack has done for you, don't you think it's time you repaid us for our kindness?" Kayden's question dripped with false benevolence. I had spent years training to defend the pack as a warrior, but clearly that was not enough for him. Kayden leaned forward, his eyes glinting. "The... Alpha King Jason Ambrose has finally come to our borders. I'm sure you've heard the rumors about his...affliction." I stiffened in my seat. Every wolf in the region knew of Jason Ambrose, the cursed Alpha King. He was the only wolf "blessed" by the goddess with four mates, all of whom he murdered in cold blood when they failed to give him a child. People realized then that he was cursed, not blessed, ever since, no pack wanted anything to do with him anymore. For years now, there had been whispers of his search for a fertile mate among the daughters of other Alphas. If he was here, that could only mean one thing. He wanted Alpha Kayden's daughter. Rose. This had nothing to do with me, but for some reason, my mouth went dry with fear. Kayden's smile was cold and satisfied, like a wolf who had just cornered an easy prey. "Congratulations, Aurora. As my eldest daughter, you've been chosen to serve your pack and secure our safety against Ambrose's advances." I stared at him in mute horror and disbelief. Surely he couldn't mean... "Come now, it's a simple duty," Kayden said lightly. "Keep your head down, let him use you to bear an heir, and in nine months if you fail him, you'll be free to return to the pack." Bile rose in my throat. "Father, please..." I croaked out before I could stop myself. Since when did he ever consider me as his daughter? Kayden's eyes flashed dangerously at the familial address. "You will leave at first light," he snapped, all pretenses vanishing. "The pack elders will help you prepare. Do not dishonor all we have provided for you by refusing now." His tone left no room for argument. The meeting was over. I sat there, paralyzed, as the gravity of my fate crashed down on me. I wanted to scream. Even if Ambrose released me, what life could I have here? Who would want a tainted, cast-off mate? But I remained frozen and silent, tears spilling down my cheeks as Kayden summoned the pack's elders to prepare me for the journey ahead. I was brought to the pack healer, Madeline, who washed and dressed me in a ceremonial white gown. "I'm so sorry, child," the old woman murmured as she braided my brown hair. "You don't deserve this." For the first time in my life, I was bathed, dressed and treated like a proper daughter of the alpha. But I took no joy in the pampering, knowing it was only a pretty disguise for the ugly fate that awaited me. After the elders left, locking the door behind and leaving with the key, I sat numbly on the edge of my bed, staring at nothing. What would become of me now? Tomorrow I will leave behind all I had ever known to become the cursed Alpha's surrogate. After he took what he wanted, ruined me for any honorable mate, what would become of me? Even if I was cast back into the pack, I would be worthless in their eyes. Kayden had won; one way or another, he would be rid of the embarrassing half-breed who didn't belong. No, this is unacceptable. I refuse to be robbed of my only chance at happiness. The only thing that kept me going in this dreadful place was the hope of finding my mate. Right now, he is the only beacon I have left in my gloomy world. For the past two years, I've been waiting for him to appear and save me. But when I become tainted by another man, the only thing that would await me is cruel rejection. For the sake of my happiness, I need to run, to escape.
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