Chapter 1

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It's been a long ride from the airport since it is a town over and I'm so sick of this car. We have just arrived in this awful small town, we've been sent to for a mission and that is all that I know for now. I know he would only send us here if it was important. The car finally stopped and my sisters and I got out. We stood there in front of our new house. It was small if you compared it with what we were used to -but in normal circumstances it is big. It is grey and has a look of doom surrounding it, even the windows are tinted, perfect for me. Just think of how much fun I could have. "Analize wipe that look of your face you will not get us in trouble!" Veronica my oldest sister scolded me. We all have the same dark brown black hair, but that was all that was similar between us. Veronica has green eyes which changes colour as her mood shifts. She is eighteen years old; at least that is what she looks since we only age once every six years, that means she is 108 years old, but our emotions and attitudes are based on our human age. So we are the age we look. She is the knowledgeable one; she always knows everything before anyone else like she feels it coming on. I'm not so fond of that I like being ahead of everyone else. Then there is my other sister, Seriena she has amazing blue eyes that is circled with a black rim when she's angry. She is seventeen years old by looks, but 102 by age. She is the quite one; she doesn't have to say anything to make a point. She can make you feel so much guilt that you would want to kill yourself from just one look. Then there is me, I'm the youngest, but I'm also the leader of our trio. I'm the most dangerous and lethal person you can get. I have no emotion inside me other than hate. That hate has been building up inside me for many years. My eyes are grey, but when I'm angry it turns pitch black. I look like your average sixteen year old, but I'm 96 years old actually. My sisters and I can all communicate through our thoughts. Other than that we all have our individual powers. Now how is all this possible... My mother was a strong witch and she fell in love with my father the king of vampires and the result us. Let's get back to reality. We were standing outside the house, when the moving truck arrived. The house was in the outskirts of the town, making it more private for us. I walked over to the truck and opened it to see our boxes. There wasn't many, because we only brought the most important stuff. The rest of the stuff we'll need Seriena would get us. "Check out the hot babes!" I heard a guy say. There was multiple wolf whistles. I hate humans they are what builds my hate and every chance I get I will kill them agonizingly slow. Always have always will, but for now I need them. I turned to them and gave them a smile that could break hearts. "Hey guys what would you say if I asked you to help us?" My smile turned flirty. They were in front of me now. "Hey we said you're hot, but we're not gullible idiots." They all laughed. This world just doesn't have gentleman left. I laughed. "That answer only proves how idiotic you are!" I hissed and clenched my fist. They all fell to the floor in agonizing pain since it felt like someone was crushing every organ in their bodies, just like I was clutching the air. The air filled with piercing screams. "Be silent!"The screams stopped. "You are going to carry out our boxes and wash the house, since it smells horrible. If you do what I say in silence the pain will stop, but once you stop it will return." I nodded to the truck and they started working. "Ann you can't just do that we are supposed to lay low, he clearly told you, you're not allowed to kill anyone!" I laughed a low and cruel laugh. "My dear sister I'm not killing them I'm just placing excruciating pain upon them, to get what I want. And they aren't anyone they are pathetic filthy humans." I pulled my face up at them and I knew my eyes were pitch black. "I really don't care! He warned you not to do anything." I am the leader and I hate to be told what to do. I let the one boy fall on the ground. They were rolling around on the ground and screaming in silence. I laughed again. "Stop it Ann!" Seriena yelled. She grabbed my arm and I stopped. "Don't tell me what to do!" I hissed at them. They took a step back. I'm not normally such a raging b***h towards my sisters, I'm just in a terrible mood. Being send across the world for some unknown reason can do that to you. We went into the house that was still empty. It looked like no one lived here for years. "Seriena can you please fill this place up?" Seriena only has to think of an object and it will appear out of thin air it’s her power. She never needs money, tell me that isn't cool. In five minutes the place was furnished in only the best. In the living room was black leather couches with grey throw pillows on it. There were also black end tables and a big flat screen TV with surround sound. I walked over to the room that would be mine. Seriena had already placed a replica of my bed from home in my room it was made out of black wood and had a wine red silk duvet. With that was a dark red sofa. The whole room was made up in red and black, just like I liked it. "Hey Mark what ya doing up there?!" I heard someone screaming so I rushed over to the open front door to see a boy with light brown hair and piercing green eyes looking up at the guy on the roof. I walked over to the boy and gave him a smile. I saw his eyes going down to my natural pink lips and back up to my grey eyes. "Hi, I'm Analize we just moved in and they offered to help. They are so sweet." I squealed like I was the sweetest girl ever. "Ah yeah I guess they are, they've never really been." He was shocked or confused. My sisters started walking over to us, probably to be close in case I feel the urge to break his neck. "Well now I see why they decided to be so nice." He looked me over and then my sisters. They giggled all girly. "These are my sisters." "Hi I'm Ian." He held out his hand and my sisters shook it. 'I won't kill him I promise now leave.' I send through our mind link. They smiled and left. "Oh no the house is pink!" I shrieked. I couldn't believe it, it was grey a few minutes ago. "Yeah, everyone always said there was a witch living here, so the kids would come and egg the place all the time or through her windows out with rocks." I hissed and he immediately seemed to notice. "That's why I hate hu..." I can't say that it would sound so weird. "That's why I hate huge jerks that judge people, before getting the real story." I looked at the ground as though I was upset, but all I wanted to do was hide my black eyes. "Yeah me too, I would offer to help, but I have to get home my parents are expecting me." I nodded at him, he is probably lying. "Hey mark, if you're done come on over it's our family BBQ and I know Charlees wants to see you!" Okay so maybe he wasn't lying. At least there is one good guy around here. I walked back into the house and fell on the coach. "Wow you didn't hurt him. We are really shocked!" Veronica said smiling at me. "Don't get use to it!" Her smile dropped. "Seriena can you get us some grey paint and take it outside. The house is pink, the grey was a sun dried egg coating." She nodded. We were all sitting around the dinning table eating pasta in silence. The boys finished everything. They were highly motivated. Veronica cleared there minds so they didn't remember anything, that is her special power. "This must be really important for him to have let us leave the house I mean longer than a day. We've been trapped in that house for how long now?" Seriena asked "For 60 years." Veronica announced. I know they hated it. They were sick of being hidden away, being trained and being prepped, but not one of them had the guts to say it out loud. They were afraid of him. Everyone has always been, not me like I said I only feel hate nothing else, okay sometimes fear, but only in rare occasions. "At least we're finally away from there, but Ann you had it worse at least we went shopping and to the beach. You never did you insisted on staying there and training. You did bars until you had blisters, fought until your knuckles were raw and starved yourself until you passed out. I've never asked, but why put yourself through that?" "I had to vent out my hate somehow." I stated it casually. "And slipping out at night and going on a killing spree didn't help?" Seriena said. No one knew, or I thought no one did. "Yeah it helped it was fun." I smiled at them. My sisters aren’t really as bad as me they got over it I never did. "It's not healthy you just have to accept that..." "Shut up! I'm going to bed." This is the one thing I couldn't talk about. It broke me and I'll never be the same. I was 6 years old (36) when I broke, when I lost all emotions when I lost my heart and nothing can ever change that. I got in my room and threw out my box. I had a few books, the little jewellery that was required to be worn so that my dad could stay in touch, a few CD's and one photo. After putting everything away I fell onto my bed and looked at the photo. -My mom - Her golden brown hair was blown by the wind and she was looking at something. My dad had taken this photo with out her knowing. She looked so beautiful with her sun kissed skin glowing. Her hands were on her stomach. It was taken when she was pregnant with me. I was a surprise. After having Veronica they waited six years and then they thought she would be lonely so they had another baby and it was tough since we age so slow. My dad and mom wanted to try again, but nothing happened so they stopped and exactly six years later I was born. Tears started rolling down my pale cheeks. "Oh mommy I miss you so much." I whispered as I pressed the photo against my chest. My mom died 59 years ago leaving us. Sure we were old by knowledge, but by body I was only 6 and I needed my mommy to tell me stories, to tuck me in and just love me. She was too young to die she was frozen at the age of 23. But she was murdered ... I had fallen asleep while crying. My mom was the only thing that made me cry to this day and then there was... I’m transported home when I sleep if and when he needed to talk to me. "Have you been crying?" His loud voice echoed against the walls. He has a very demanding presence you don’t even have to see him to know it. He’s aura is dark you can feel it oozing out, poisoning anyone within distance. "Yes, but it only feeds my hate." My face was empty of any emotion, that's the one thing I know by heart: never show emotion in front of him. Emotion is a betrayal that he doesn’t tolerate. "My sweet Analize what have you been up to?" He said it in such a cold voice that hell could freeze over. It probably has by now, it’s the only way that monsters like the ones that killed my mother could walk this earth. "I've done nothing wrong." He hissed so hard the windows of the room were vibrating. "Don't lie to me!" He spit out flashing in front of me I was surprised and fell over leaving him looming over me. "I told you not to do anything. I told you to lay low!" He growled fiercely. "I'm sorry father I got angry." My dad could have died with my mom, because since that day he has become cold and cynical. All he does is reign with his darkened heart, he doesn’t love and he doesn’t care. "Just don't do it again! Now stand up and come here!" Can you feel the warmth and love in this place. I love my dad, I'm just like him and that's why when he steps down I'm taking over. But I have to be married and be a vampire. Two mayor conflicts. "Now for your mission." "Clearly it will be boring since I can't kill anyone." He hissed again, but this time I flipped my hair and raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you want me to get you a blood bag? You must be hungry, because you're a bit edgy." He rubbed his hand over his face at my comment. I do frustrate him a lot, even though I’m just like him and I have done everything he has ever required of me I have also rebelled in my own ways and at the same time I have done nothing he has asked me to the exact point. "Sit down! This mission is going to be difficult for you." "I can do anything!" My eyes turned black and I felt murderous how can he undermine my abilities. "I'm going to give you four names of human boys. You should get really close to them, you should date them. Make sure they'll follow you around the world if it comes to it." I have to fake date a human and I'm not allowed to kill anyone, he clearly wants me to kill myself. I sighed. "Don't disappoint me, this is really important!" He hissed again. "Okay and when they are ready to follow us what then?" "Then I'll tell you. Now leave and get some sleep, you need to be beautiful." I felt the pull and I fell into a dreamless sleep. I was filling my bowl with choco balls when my sisters came in dressed and ready for our first day at school. "So what is the mission?" Seriena asked. "I don't know he hasn't told me yet." "You're lying I can feel that you know." Damn you Veronica. "We have to find a Ian, Ethan, Jake and Allan and basically make them fall so in love with us that they would follow us anywhere." They both burst out laughing. I clearly didn’t see the joke at all. "He has never allowed us to date, that's except you and Drake of course. Not to mention that you would break a guys arm if he so much as touches you." I don’t see what’s so funny. "I don't want to talk about Drake and I'll prove you all wrong." I walked to my room and got dressed in a black skinny jean and a super hot dark blue top with blue flats. "Let's go we'll be late for school." Veronica pushed us out the door. The ride to school was long so I day dreamt. (Flashback) I was training when someone sneaked up on me. I swung and he caught my hand. He was gorgeous. He had black hair that fell over his forehead and blue grey eyes. "I'm Drake." He announced. I knew him- he was my father’s top servant. He has always been around, but I trained myself to just ignore him. "And I don't care." I kneed him and as his body sunk down to the ground I kicked him in the stomach. "Don't touch me and if you're in here you have to fight!" He placed his arms behind his head and just laid on the floor grinning at me. "I've been watching you, you are hot in that short shorts and sport bra's." He was frustrating me so I kicked him hard in the ribs. "Get up and fight!" He just smirked so I kicked the smile out of him. I kicked so hard that he flew around the room. "Analize don't kill my best man I need him!" My father yelled from above us. I nodded and stopped. He stood up and walked over to me. His face was covered in blood and cuts from my shoes. "I'll see you around." He whispered in my ear giving my whole body shivers. From then on he send my room flowers, disturbed my practice sessions and basically stalked me, until I agreed to go on a date with him. My father was all for it. And that's how we started. I found out my father planned it and I fell a little out of love with him. Then the one day… (End of flashback) "We're here so what now, Ann?" "We go through the day and which ever guy is in your grade you go for, one of us is going to have two guys." I said it so nonchalantly, how hard could it be. We walked into the school. Everyone was looking at us. Here we go, you can do this without conflicting pain. Just smile and breath. I have the breathing part down, but smiling in the presence of humans..
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