I love you (Part 2)

1578 Words

How could I be so selfish? How could I be such a horrible person by keeping her away from everyone if I couldn't accept that I liked her? I'm just a complete i***t. No, I didn't even have to do that; it was her life, and I had no right to interfere. My idiocy didn't have to affect her. My lack of maturity to acknowledge my feelings for her didn't have to reach a point where my way of seeking attention was being cruel. "Call me crazy," I told her after having a fight in my head. "You can tell that I don't know how to do this, that I'm an i***t at it, and it's too hard for me to accept what I have to tell you. I'll look like the biggest i***t in the world because, yes, I am. And we both know it. That night, I really wanted to forget you in any way. I just wanted to do it. I wanted you not

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