I believe in you

1166 Words

"Stop looking at me like that," Ethan asks when he notices I've been staring at him for several minutes. "I can't help it; it's quite strange to see you here," I say. I mean, in the cafeteria, at my specific table where I usually sit with Whitney, and now you're next to us. My friend doesn't seem affected by him being here; she continues eating her food, but for me, it's completely strange. "First of all, this is the table of the outcasts, the ones who are invisible to everyone," I glance at my friend. "Sorry, but you're part of this too." "I know," she says, shrugging. Now, with her new look, we seem like the table of the emo, the nerd, and the teenage geek that no one knows, except everyone does. I mean, just a few months ago, he was the captain of the football team, the most belo

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