Can we talk?

1150 Words

POV ETHAN. The way my father looks at me makes me feel deeply disappointed in myself. His gaze is filled with concern and fear. We talked about it many times; I promised him I wouldn't succumb to temptations, but I failed him and, most importantly, I failed myself. "I'm sorry, Dad. I have no words to justify my actions," I assure. "Why did you leave home that day? I asked you to stay with Hilary and Emily, and it turns out not only were they alone, something could have happened to them, but I also almost lost you. I'm very disappointed, Ethan, and I want an honest answer." I take a deep breath. How can I explain to my dad that I couldn't deal with my broken heart? "I felt awful," I confess. "That night, I talked to Hilary, and she made me see that I was always ruthless with her. I hur

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