Chapter Two | It was Just a One Night Stand

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---POV Juile---       This can’t be real. This hunk of man is sleeping next to me like we’ve known each other our whole lives. The party downstairs seemed to still be in full swing and it’s already…. I stared at my phone as the shock grew on my face. It’s two in the morning?! How long was I out? I rubbed my throbbing head and turned back to the man. He seemed really comfortable all of a sudden.      I looked down and we both still had our clothes on. He even slept on top of the comforter. Wow…such a gentleman. “Let my roommate suffer as a bookworm her whole life?!” The words shot through me like a knife, and I winced. Okay I’ll take that as liquid courage or the irritation of Nia’s comment, but I really wanted to prove her wrong. I…I can live a little. I don’t know what it was about this guy, but I wanted him. Badly. I’ve never been like this in my life. I never wanted to be with another person so badly. I could feel my body tingle as the heat pooled in places I’ve never thought possible.      I shifted my body towards him, and his eyes immediately opened. “I…sorry. Are you awake?” I whispered pulling back to my original place on the bed.      He licked his lips and turned towards me. “Are you?” He asked.      “Were you waiting for me to wake up?” I whispered again.      “Well, I couldn’t just leave you here alone. That won’t work.” I furrowed my brow and looked at him curiously. What startled me more was his body lurching from the bed, standing up to stretch. I followed his movements with my eyes, and he turned to look at me. The smile on his face was mischievous to boot. “I’ll be right back.” He called before disappearing out of the door. The shouting from the party lingered into the room as the door closed behind him. I raced to climb out of the sheets and stumbled on those wretched heels. Grumbling irritably, I kicked them further away from the bed before realizing a bathroom was required. Gazing over the walls, I was desperately looking for a bathroom. I cannot look like this when he comes back.      I finally found a small in-suite that was absolutely gorgeous, but I didn’t have time to look around. I was on a mission. I did my business, fixed the smudges on my make-up and thanked every higher being out there that I brought a hair tie. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and resituated my skirt before racing out of the bathroom, to run into a wall of muscle. “S-Sorry.”      He laughed and looked down at me as if I was his most prized possession. Not with any menace or motive…no. He just looked like he was glad to see me. “We have to stop meeting like this.”      “I figured this was going to be the norm with me.” I clapped back, acknowledging his comical comment, and slipped past him.      He smirked as I looked over the small picnic he made on the floor. I know I was in the bathroom for a while, but he had sandwiches, grapes, wine, and waters all laid out on the floor with a blanket under them. “I thought I’d change it up a bit.” He added, passing by my stunned figure.      “This is…wow.” I responded breathlessly. Why do I think these gestures are so nice? Staying with me while I slept, getting me water last night, and…making a picnic for me when I woke up? This is what a boyfriend would do, but I don’t even know his name. Other than the candles in here, it’s not the brightest either. I guess wolves enjoyed the dark. But didn’t he tell me he wasn’t a wolf?      “Come, sit.” He called and I hurried to take a seat next to the sandwich plate, shifting my legs awkwardly as I attempted to maintain my modesty. It was silent for a moment until a blanket fell over my lap. “Better?” He asked.      I resituated myself under the knitted cover, crossing my legs and turning to him. “Much better.” I hummed and dug into the spread; thankful I didn’t have to worry about flashing the man…yet. For now, I’m not going to think too much about it. I’m going to live a little.      The night continued on with laughter and questions. Just simple questions like what’s my favorite food or color. Nothing too intense. After a couple of hours went by, my head was on his lap and half the bottle of wine was gone along with all the food he prepared. I snuggled into his leg closer, and he petted my arm. Not saying a word. It was peaceful. “I want to try something.” He said out of nowhere.      “Try something?” I turned to look up at him and he nodded.      “You can stop me at any time. Fair?”      “What if I don’t want to stop you?” I whispered almost inaudibly, but the silence in the room was so overwhelming that a subtle gust of wind could be heard in here.      He pulled me up to straddle his lap and the blanket was long gone. Before I could fix my skirt, his lips were on mine, and I didn’t hesitate to reciprocate the gesture. He pressed my body further into his and the groans we made started to drown out what little could be heard outside these doors. He pulled away while we caught our breath. “Mine.” He growled those words again and I did something I never thought I would.      I pressed my body further into his and whimpered at the tightening of his touch. “Yours.” I moaned. ----------      I stared at the ceiling. Stared at the sun’s reflection coming into the room as I thought about what happened last night. The shower was running in the small bathroom, and I glanced to my right to see he was gone so…. My eyes fell back on the bathroom door with the light glowing underneath it.      I need to leave.      I stood to my feet and the shift of air that came over me reminded me of the reality I had put myself in. I was naked and my clothes were a mess on the floor. There was no way I’d be able to wear that mangled pile of fabric out of here. I bit my lip and looked around for anything that would work. Thankfully, I found a t-shirt and what looked like sweats on the other side of the bed. My teeth pressed into my lips further. A one-night stand and a thief all in the same night. Ugh…stupid stupid Jules! I threw on the T-shirt and the sweats, pulling the draw string tight around my waist. I may be tall, but this guy….       I rolled my eyes and stared at the heels I’d discarded last night. I’ll buy Nia a new pair. I couldn’t wait any longer. I grabbed my phone and my purse, racing out of the door faster than I could put two and two together.      It was time for me to complete the infamous walk of shame. Barefoot.      “Jules! If you don’t wake up this instant, a bucket of cold water will be doused on you!” I shot up and my ears ringed almost immediately. Ugh, I feel awful. I did my best to hide my face when I could feel the stares on me as I raced back to Nia and I’s dorm. Then, I fell asleep the minute I made it back to my room.  I didn’t have time to feel ill…. Until now. I don’t know what possessed me to live a little, but I’m going to lose it if I ever live again!      “What happened to you last night?” Nia asked. “Find anyone worth shacking up with?” She added with a mocking tone, and I winced. She gasped and raced up to my bed, plopping her body on the foot of it. “No freaking way!!” She shrieked and my ears were now shattered.      “Nia.” I grumbled. “Please…bring it down.”      “Dude, did you actually shack up with someone. Did you just snog each other or did you…you know….” She rushed out. When I didn’t respond, squealing ensued again. “Omg! I cannot believe you actually took my advice. Who’s the lucky man?!”      “I…I don’t remember.” I sighed irritably. The room was pretty dark majority of the time and after a night like that…I don’t know what I’m going to do, but hiding from him will be priority number one. The problem is, I don’t even know who I’m hiding from. All I know is, I don’t want to ruin the bliss I found being with him. I don’t want reality to sink in for me or…for him. It’s better to just forget instead of forcing myself to remember.      “Are you…did they hurt you?” She growled.      I shook my head. “No…from the level of carefree stupidity I exhibited last night, it was completely consensual.” I grumbled.      “Uhuh. Either way. I can’t believe we actually went to the party for the Prince of the Night!” She giggled completely ignoring the initial conversation. I was more than happy about that. I needed a distraction. “I mean, I left you with Kevin’s Beta and Gamma and you come home with someone else’s clothes on and the story of the century! I think we did good.” She squealed and I guess I stand corrected. She now thinks I walk on water because of that story. I raised my hand, attempting to silence her and she muffled her excitement down to a wiggle here and a giggle there.      “Isn’t the Prince of the Night part of the vampire species?” I asked, trying my best to attempt at a joke. I didn’t feel as hungover as I thought, especially after my sprint through campus, but my body feels like it ran through a brick wall. The last time I felt this bad, was when I was beaten by some older kid at the Ju Jit Su championships as a kid. No…I think I’ve been through worse. I know I’ve been through worse.      She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Well, I’m glad you can still c***k a joke, but I can tell you aren’t really in the mood to gossip. Either way. Get some rest. I just wanted to make sure you were alive. There are some pain killers on the nightstand with some warm water. Remember to sip.” Nia called pulling her jean jacket over her white blouse to match her washed out jeans. “I’ll be home later tonight. Kevin’s taking me to get pizza.” She wasn’t wrong. I felt like I needed to lean over the porcelain throne, so I wasn’t fazed at her abandonment at the moment. I welcomed it.      I shook my head and reached for the pills. “Just go.” I grumbled and she waved excitedly before racing out of the door, locking it behind herself.       Once the pills slipped down my throat, I once again welcomed the quiet and the much-needed rest. ---POV Benson---      That was the best night of my life. I cannot wait to spoil her rotten. She was still out cold when I got in the shower, so I’ll have breakfast brought up. I hopped out of the shower and tied the towel around my waist. Some of my hair fell in my face, but I decided to just comb it back with my fingers and head back into the room so I can get a little more time with my mate before I must head out on my business trip. I grinned and headed out of the bathroom. What I saw when I emerged from the steam was not what I had in mind.      She’s gone.      I raced out of the room, tightly holding my towel, but there was nothing…. She was nowhere to be found. My mate. My princess…. The werewolf queen disappeared faster than I could remember her name. Oh right…I never asked for it.
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