#Chapter 31 I'm coming with you

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Alyson's pov            It did feel a little strange after mating with Ryan, sharing his bed, and then waking up alone and joining Dylan for breakfast. His amused expression indicated that he knew, and he could probably smell mating all over me.            "Where's Ryan?" He asked.            "He left before I woke up. His note said he had some duties." I desperately hoped he would not leave for days again. I needed him, we had only just reconnected, but I knew that he was tossing and turning all night.            "Is he always in and out like this?" Dylan asked.            I wasn't sure. "As long as I've known him."            "I hope he's not gone for days now; we have some conspiring to do!" Dylan said. "Oh, don't look so down."            I wasn't aware that my sadness and wo

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