2717 Words

Chapter 51 CREED In life, there are so many decisions we need to make. Decisions that it's either will break us or fix us — it's only a matter of fact on how we will manage to weigh the situation as how we will manage to hold it together. The situation I'm into right now is something that I can't run away from, so I will deal with it on how I supposed to face it. It will be hard for sure as I had this feeling inside me that somehow controlling me, but a fleeting feelings won't ever destroy me. This will going to be hard, but I will hold onto it no matter what. The family I want in the first place is now right in front of me, and all I can do at this moment is to fix it. However... it's hard... it's now hard to get back the old times. This time is now so different. "Mr. Winchester,

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