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Prologue February 2016 Jonas Knight did his best not to fidget as he stared at the stage a few feet in front of him while continuing to smile, fully conscious of the fact that there were plenty of cameras everywhere in the studio. One of the cameras might zoom in on him anytime throughout the evening, and he had to display an elated expression on his face even if he was a nervous wreck deep inside. After all, he was one of the nominees for Best Actor of the Year at the Purple Unicorn Award, which was one of the most prestigious events for those involved in the movie industry in Chestan. It was the first time he was nominated in that category alongside four other actors. However, his competitors had already won that award at least once in the past years, and all four of them were veteran actors who were well-respected in the industry. Regardless, Jonas believed he had a high chance of bagging the award, considering his starring role in the most successful movie in the previous year. His anxiety shot through the roof when it was nearing the end of the evening, and the host of the show announced that it was time to give away the award for Best Actor of the Year before calling out the actor and actress who would be reading out the names of the nominees that year. “Good evening, everyone,” Amber Lee, a veteran actress in the movie industry, greeted the audience with a huge grin on her face. “Good evening,” Marco Hart, also an actor with a long and illustrious career in the industry, said while waving toward everybody. Amber turned toward Marco before pointing at the purple envelope in his hand. “My dear Marco, do you still remember what it felt like when you were nominated for this award, and you had to remain seated as calmly as possible while the people on stage rambled incessantly?” “Oh, yes, Amber. Of course! On all three occasions, it felt as if they would never shut up. I kept praying and wishing they would just put me out of my misery already.” “Indeed! I might have only received the honors twice in my career…” Amber trailed off while winking at the audience, and everybody, including Jonas, snickered immediately upon seeing that. She bowed her head before clearing her throat slightly. “Anyway, since we’re now in possession of the result, should we drag it out a little? Just to prolong the torture of the poor nominees.” Jonas groaned under his breath. Some of the people around him were less than discreet about their reactions, though, and he had to stifle his amusement. Meanwhile, Marco was chuckling loudly on stage. “I think that will be mean-spirited of us. We both know how the nominees must be feeling right now.” Amber beamed. “Oh, all right. Let’s get this over with. Shall we?” “Yes!” someone from the audience exclaimed in a rather exuberant manner, prompting everyone else to burst out laughing. After that, Jonas had to refrain from squirming in his seat while short clips from five different movies played on the massive screens on either side of the stage, and he was strangely embarrassed when he noticed his face in the final clip. He had been in the industry for years, and he had been nominated for other awards in the past. He had no idea why he was suddenly so shy that evening. He was relieved when the clip was finally finished. Then he watched as Marco waved the envelope in a teasing manner high up in the air. “Are you all ready for the result?” This time around, several people were extremely enthusiastic in their responses. Both Amber and Marco chuckled instantly. After that, Amber assisted Marco in opening the seal on the envelope. “I have long and sharp fingernails, and they come in handy when I have to deal with something like this,” Amber explained while smiling widely. “All right! Finally! Marco, will you do us the honor, please?” “Indeed I will,” Marco replied as he pulled out a slip of purple-color paper from the envelope. “The winner of the Best Actor of the Year award is in my hand, ladies and gentlemen.” “Come on!” Jonas muttered under his breath as he stared at Marco while clenching his fists on his lap. “Just get it over with already.” All around him, inside the enormous studio where the event was being held, there was hardly any sound at all. Everybody seemed to be anticipating the result, as well. Jonas’s heart beat faster and harder with every single passing second. He had spent many sleepless nights, waiting for this very occasion to arrive. In fact, he had been unable to rest properly the previous evening, and he had been apprehensive throughout the day earlier as he prepared for the event. Now, it was finally time to reveal the result of the nomination. “Ladies and gentlemen, including the viewers at home, the winner of the prestigious award this evening owes it all to you, the good citizens of Chestan. Our island country may be tiny in comparison to the other European nations, but you’ve turned up in large numbers to watch the movie this actor is starring in, making it the most popular movie last year,” Marco continued, dragging the moment needlessly, as he glanced back and forth between the slip of paper and the audience. Jonas had to stop himself from rolling his eyes in frustration and irritation. “In fact, the movie breaks the all-time record for the highest sales figure in its opening weekend, and it’s now the highest-grossing movie of all time. Now, I’m sure you’re all curious to know who the winner is.” “Oh, for goodness sake, Marco,” Amber half yelled from next to Marco. “Tell us who the winner is.” Marco snickered. “All right then. This actor already has a Best Supporting Actor award, along with a few other awards for his ability to dazzle you on the small screen and on stage, and he’s only thirty-nine years old.” Jonas’s heart pounded even more erratically after that, and he gaped at Marco for a second or two as he gripped on to the handles of his seat. He was certain he was the only nominee who was thirty-nine years old. The other four actors were older than him. However, he didn’t dare to move from his seat until his assumption was confirmed. “Please. Please. Please,” Jonas mumbled softly. Marco grinned even wider now. “It is none other than the suave, charming, and handsome Mr. Jonas Knight. Congratulations! Please join me in—” In an instant, it sounded as if everyone in the studio was screaming at the top of their lungs. The rest of Marco’s words was drowned out amid the whooping and yelling inside the studio. Jonas couldn’t stop himself from beaming as he stood and made his way toward the stage, only pausing briefly to accept the hearty handshakes and the gentle pats on his back from a few of his fellow actors and actresses, some directors, producers, and many other people in the industry. He knew he won, but there was also a part of him that had a tough time believing that it was real. Maybe the reality would sink in much later. In the meantime, he allowed himself to be swept up in the euphoria that seemed to permeate every single inch of the studio. He thanked everyone over and over again before gradually moving toward the stage. When he eventually held the Purple Unicorn in his hand, he had to blink back his tears. It had been such a long journey for him before he could reach this point in his acting career. He admired the award for a few seconds longer before waving at the members of the audience. Then he pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of his suit jacket. It contained the list of names of the people he wanted to thank. He had prepared it earlier that morning in case he was fortunate enough to win the award. He read out the names as quickly as he could because there were so many of them, and he was aware he only had four minutes to get through them all before he would be cut off. By the time he was escorted off the stage, he still felt as if he was floating on cloud nine. He shook the hands of a few more people when he finally returned to his seat. After that, he leaned against the back of his seat for as he attempted to calm himself down while simultaneously savoring the joyful moment. His triumph was certainly unexpected. Granted, he had been hoping for it, but to win the award for real was still a very surreal feeling. There was one more award to be given out, which was the one for the best movie of the year, but he found it hard to focus on it. He was ecstatic about his own award, but there was a part of him that wished he had someone special he could celebrate his victory with. Sadly, he was still a single man. He didn’t even have a supportive and loving family anymore, and that had everything to do with one of his deep, dark secrets. So far, he managed to keep it concealed from his supporters. Besides, the secret had nothing to do with his ability to perform on his job, but it might have negatively affected his image and the roles he might acquire in the future. Fortunately, his secret remained intact. For the time being. Now, he just had to make sure it stayed hidden for as long as possible. Besides, there was no point in thinking that far ahead. One step at a time.
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