Chapter 21

1517 Words

  GRACE.   “What?!” I was almost yelling, but I couldn’t stop myself. How could he think of doing that to me?   The recorder was still running, making me unable to say anything more implicating, so I beseeched and pleaded with my eyes. Don’t do this to me, Connor Shelby, I beg of you!   I wanted to shriek at him so badly but was scared I could aggravate the situation. And all he did was stare at me with an amused expression and a smile at the corner of his lips.   “What d-do you mean she’s here, Mr. Shelby?” I tried not to stutter, raising my hands and clasping them together in supplication.   “I swear, I’ll do anything, just don’t give me away like this, pleeeease” I mouthed to him without making a sound.   “Sure?” he mouthed back at me with laughing eyes and I nodded vigorously.  

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