Chapter Three

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*** Calli watched the trees pass by in a blur, a mindless task to distract her from the multitude of conflicted emotions that were going through her. Although she had spent much of the early morning in bed, contemplating everything that had happened and processing it all, she still could not find a solution to the task ahead of her. She was also deathly terrified of closing her eyes, lest the Beast King changed his mind and decided to take her before she could fully comprehend what was ahead. He had already proven that he could do just that- infiltrate her dreams and declare her his Queen. The conflict within her surged at the realization that she was not as aversed to that possibility as she thought she would be. That the thought of becoming His Queen was not as unrealistic as she expected it to be. And now I'm on my way to discover even more about this new life I am expected to live, all in preparation for a man I barely know to come claim me as his own…. It sounded absolutely unrealistic and ridiculous and yet it was now her new reality. Her gaze shifted to her grandmother and mother, each of them just as tense as she was. They had been sharing looks the entire drive, neither one of them breaking the silence. Instead, the radio belted out classical tunes that they all loved. It, however, did nothing to assuage the fear that dwelt within each of their hearts as well as the conflicted emotions. Calli could not help but wonder how they got here…She was a normal- almost graduate student several hours before and now… Now, I am the savior of an entire Race…The gate of an Empire rests on my shoulders and I must now sacrifice myself for them… She had tried to stay positive, to believe her grandmother that everything would be okay but it was hard to when even she herself didn't seem to be all that confident with her words. It was an unsure situation, one in which she hoped this visit to her mother and grandmother's old friends would help with her doubts. "We're here, my love. Welcome to the Wysteria Estate, Home to one of the most powerful witch bloodlines- The Reilly's." Ira spoke up, her words carrying over to Calliope who instantly shaped up and gazed in absolute awe at the Estate they had driven into through computerised gates. It dwelt deep in the forests and in the outskirts of her hometown. She had lived all her life here and yet she had never known that such a grand Manor existed. And that its inhabited by Witches no less… Ira brought the car to a stop in front of the Manor where two women now stood, each of them watching closely as the Rowenys women alighted the car and, together, ascended the white marble steps to meet their welcoming party. "Your Majesty, Queen Elisen, Your Highness, Princess Ira…It is an honor to have you here in the Wysteria Estate once more. We welcome you." The greeting caught Calli by surprise, watching as the two women bowed low before her mother and grandmother. It was an incredibly formal reception that confirmed what Calliope had been battling with. The information that had been revealed about her family's history and her future were all true. It was not a fever dream…We really are Royalty in another part of this world… Reality was slowly sinking in, becoming her new normal. Ira glanced at her daughter, knowing well enough that the greeting may have been overwhelming. She stayed close to her, choosing to acknowledge the two women with a simple nod. I am going to get her through this…make it as less impactful and distressing as possible… Ira could not begin to imagine what her daughter was going through. She had grown up knowing of her family's legacy, watching as her mother pushed efforts towards reclaiming the throne of Ikraseon. That had been her reality all her life, even when she rebelled against finding a suitable husband from her race and, instead, loving a mortal. Regardless, she always knew what was expected of her. Which was why she was sure that Calli's comprehension of this world she had been thrust into would be shaky at best. She had known no other truth other than what the mortals believed. That Elves and Witches were all a fantasy. We need more time…There is so much I must teach her, show her… Ira knew that dwelling on these feelings would take her down a dark path, one that would mean the beginning of yet another battle between her and the Beast King. One she knew she could not win. "Thank you. I know that this is a sudden visit but I must meet with Kelsey. The Full Moon is upon us and the Beast King has made contact." Elisen expounded to the two women, earning understanding nods from each of them as they turned to face Calliope. The latter said nothing, simply taking in the interaction between them all as her mother held her hand in hers and squeezed reassuringly every other moment. "Of course. Our sister is expecting you. Please, right this way." The ladies responded, leading them into the Manor where high ceilings, marble floors and affluence could be seen in every single aspect of the house. It was old architecture meets new and the meld was truly impressive. Calli chose to fixate on the interior design and not on the volatile emotions coursing through her. She chose not to dwell on the growing energy she could feel within herself. Something had shifted inside her and although she knew she had to face it, she refused to let those emotions in. Because then, it would mean that I am genuinely not a normal human being. It would mean that I am from another realm entirely… They all paused in front of a pair of mahogany double doors with one of their tour guides knocking gently on it. A sweet-sounding feminine voice urged for them to enter from the other side, prompting the two to open the door and lead them into what seemed like a grand Library of some sort. "Elisen, Ira…and Calliope. Welcome to Wysteria Manor. It has been years since I last had the three of you here so this is a bit of a bittersweet reunion." A gorgeous woman spoke up, meeting them all in the middle of the grand room before greeting them with warm hugs that seemed reminiscent of familiarity. Elisen smiled at the brunette, their eyes alive with what seemed like memories and a friendship that spanned over time. Calliope was somewhat confused by the words spoken by the Witch which her mother was quick to clarify. "During the second battle for the liberation of Ikraseon, your grandmother was off fighting with the rest of the rebels. You and I, however, stayed here under the protection of Kelsey Reilly and her sisters. When your grandmother returned, we stayed here for a little while to ensure that no spies or assassins had been sent after her before we returned home." Calliope absorbed all this information, wonder clear in her eyes as well as a mix of a host of other overwhelming emotions. She did not know how to truly feel about these new instances that she could not remember and how they fit into the grand scheme of things and into her new reality. "You were very young, Calli. Which is why you probably do not recall this. The Reilly Household have been close friends and companions to the Rowenys Royal family for centuries. Kelsey and I go way back." Elisen expounded, seeing deep into her granddaughter's troubled mind as always. She knew that many of these revelations were coming a little too fast but they did not have time anymore. There was much for her to learn before she left for the Werewolf Kingdom. "I believe I should introduce myself to you again…My name is Kelsey Marie Reilly. I am the Head of the Reilly Household. We are the Head Mage Family that protects Earth Realm. We are somewhat like the Aristocrats of Ikraseon and in the lineage of the Royal Mage Family as well. I am happy to meet you once again, Calliope. I promise that I will try to make your transition into this world as smooth as possible." The woman was kind, and warm and her smile seemed to settle Calli's frazzled nerves somewhat, allowing her to nod in acknowledgement of her words. Kelsey seemed to give off radiant and reassuring energy- she made it easier for Calliope to relax and trust her for whatever was to come. "Thank you. I'm sorry if I seem a little…aloof. This has all been a bit too much for me. Everything is happening so fast. " Ira and Elisen shared a knowing look, their hearts breaking at the sound of Calli's words. They both wanted what was best for her, to never see her in distress and yet now, they could see the cracks that she had been trying so hard to hide. She wanted them to believe that she had accepted her fate. That she was okay because the fate of the Elves rested on her shoulders. It was a heavy burden to carry and the two women were glad that they had brought her to Kelsey. She will help her…she will show her just how strong she can be…That's all we can do for her… Ira mused inwardly, even though the thought of being unable to help her child broke her. She chose to be strong, however, and to be a pillar of strength for Calliope. She would need it for what was to come. "I understand. I'm sorry that it had to be this way. Your mother, grandmother and I hoped that you could have a normal life. That Lucien Gray would not come for you but it seems the Fates have spoken to him as well, just as they did to you when they marked you as a child." Kelsey explained as she led them deeper into the Library. The two women who had guided them there were gone, leaving them in the privacy and confines of the space that was heavily protected by magical spells and circles. The three women could sense them all, including Calli although she could not quite understand what she was feeling. Instead, she focused on the rows and rows of books that would have been a haven for her on any other day. She would have been enamoured and pulled to explore all of them. Today is different, though…it seems that part of my life is no longer feasible… She had worked hard to reach where she was and to know that it would all mean nothing fueled the conflicted emotions within her and her anger. "Why me? Why not the generations that will come after me? I mean, I am a half-breed essentially. The daughter of an Elf and a Human. I don't believe I am worthy to become this… saviour of Ikraseon. I'm just a normal girl who wants to graduate college and become a writer. Not the Queen of a Cursed Wolf who seems hell-bent on taking me from everything and everyone I love for whatever garish reasons he may have. That isn't the future I worked so hard for." Calliope exclaimed, unable to hold back her volatile emotions anymore. She wanted to scream, to let it all out and to fight the feelings growing within her. The desperation, the acceptance, the knowledge that her life was no longer her own but that of the King who claimed her. The three women shared looks of regret and sadness, knowing well enough that although her feelings were valid, there was nothing either one of them could really do but prepare her for her fate. "You may be the daughter of a human but Rowenys blood runs strong within you. The power of the Royal family of Ikraseon overwhelms everything else, including the parts of you that are inherently mortal. That side is battling with the side of you that understands why it has to be this way. Fate and Destiny cannot be altered. They chose and marked you, knowing that you were not a full elf." "Why that is? I'm afraid I don't know…but what I do know is that you have incredible power within you. Abilities that can shift the very fabric of this world. We suppressed them when you were a child to keep you safe and out of reach of the Dark Elves but now, it is time that you reclaim your birthright and learn all about Elven Magic and Lore. These are the only tools you will need to keep you safe and protected not only in Natus but in the battle that will surely come to reclaim Ikraseon." Calliope processed these words, knowing they were true and knowing the task that was ahead of her was absolute. There was no changing the course of her life. Deep within her, she replayed his words over and over again. She knew that running from him would be disastrous not only for her mother and grandmother but for her people as well. I doubt Destiny would take it too kindly to me telling it to f**k off…so I guess I'll have to make my own path. I will forge my way through and ensure that this will not be my reality for the rest of my life. I will survive this and I will survive him. The Beast King will not Break me. Calli reassured herself, nodding to Kelsey who seemed to be waiting for her approval to begin the process of her true education. Ira and Elisen watched with great pride and happiness at the transformation that their little one was going through. She is stronger than she knows…Our power runs deep and so does our determination. Her ancestors will guide her and those of us witnessing this new era will protect her and ensure that she rises and begins a new era in Ikraseon… Elisen mused, determination equally coursing through her. She could not stop fate but she could ensure that her granddaughter's destiny was protected. That she was always safe, no matter where she was… ***
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