Chapter 10 Darrin and Charlotte Pt 1

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Darrin   Things with Rose weren’t as bad as he thought they would be. She was opening up to him more every day. One of her mother’s stipulations for her staying with them was that she had her own room.    Darrin’s father was more than happy to oblige.   Honestly, it made things like this easier to do if she wasn’t in his room with him.   “I didn’t notice any changes in movement. They all pretty much did the same thing they did every night.” Brady was finishing his watch on the rogues planted outside. It was easier having him take the first watch while Darrin finished his normal routine with Rose. Once everyone was asleep, he was out to find Brady and switch off for the night. They had been doing this for the past several nights, seeing no change at all. It was as though they were p

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