Chapter 7-4

1030 Words

Thank God Dylan isn’t with me because I know he’d be telling her the same damn thing right now. “I’m going to take Natalie home,” Adam interrupts. “River, do you want to ride with us in the cab?” “Um…” she contemplates while Adam looks up at me, giving me a warning look. “If you want to stay, I’ll make sure she gets back safely,” I promise, making sure Adam can hear my sincerity. “That okay with you?” Adam directs the question to River, making sure she’s comfortable with staying. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” She smiles. “You two would make the most beautiful babies.” Natalie hums, wrapping her arms around River’s neck and lazily dropping her head on her shoulders. “Just don’t have babies before I do, okay?” “No worries,” River says, confidently. “You two can make all the babies you want.”

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