Chapter 4-1

1008 Words
Chapter Four RIVER I can’t believe I’m really doing this. After begging my supervisor, she put in the request for my time off and made sure our boss approved it. She knows I’m a hard worker and work nonstop, and after giving her the sob story of Asshole, she sympathized, having had her own experience with a married man. God, the men here just suck. Not that I’m expecting the men in Florida to be any different because let’s face it, downtown Key West is party city. But at least now, I have zero expectations. Don’t get too close. Have fun. No rules. Yep. That’s going to be my life for the next two weeks. And I couldn’t be more excited and nervous about it. The last time I ever did anything spontaneous was back in my sophomore year in college when I ran through the commons area topless in the middle of January. My n*****s nearly froze off, but it was for some club I was in. We were protesting something, but I can’t even remember what it was now. So obviously, I lived it up during my college years. Actually, I studied nonstop. Nursing school is no joke and definitely not for the weak. I almost quit five times, but I wouldn’t let it defeat me. More determined than ever, I graduated with honors with a 3.8 GPA. I smiled as I boarded the plane, feeling brave for taking this step. Thankfully, it was a direct flight from Milwaukee to the Key West International Airport. Natalie and Adam left yesterday, but all the airlines were booked, so I had to fly out the next day. I didn’t mind though, because I planned to read during the flight anyway. “Going for business or pleasure?” a deep male voice asks next to me. Blinking, I look up and see a man sitting next to me who I hadn’t even realized was there. I had taken my seat by the window first and buried myself in my book right away. He was dressed in a sharp, black suit and looked to be a tad older than me. “Um, I’m going for a vacation. So pleasure, I guess.” I flash a small smile. “You?” He brushes his fingers over his black tie. “Business.” He confirms my thoughts, his attire giving it away. “Well, maybe you’ll get a few moments to enjoy the beaches. I hear they’re amazing,” I say, making small talk because I’m not really sure what else to say. I spend my days with children and hard-ass doctors, so I almost feel rusty when it comes to communicating with people outside of my job. “Yeah, not a lot of time for beaches on work trips.” He smiles wide, showing off his perfectly white teeth. “Oh, that’s a bummer.” “Well, I might be able to squeeze in some extracurricular activities…if you’re interested.” His voice goes silky smooth, yet his tone makes me shudder. Then he winks, sealing his offer. Is he seriously hitting on me right now? “No thanks,” I blurt out, uncomfortably. “I’m meeting a couple friends there, and we’ll be busy.” I flash a weak smile that I hope gives him a hint. He digs into his pocket, making me wonder what the hell he’s up to next. Pulling out a business card, he flicks it at me and smiles. “Well, if you change your mind and have some extra time, hit me up.” Reluctantly, I grab it and crumple it in my fist. “Sure,” I mutter, nearly hugging the window to keep my distance. Just as he shifts in his seat, my eyes gaze down to his hand, and that’s when I see it. That rat bastard. “How sweet of your wife to share you. Too bad she doesn’t realize what a skeez you are.” The words come out harsher than I intended, but even so, I don’t even feel bad about it. Without saying a word, he turns his body away from me. Coward. If this is what being out in the dating world is like, then count me out. I’d only met Andrew on a rare evening out with a friend for her birthday. She’d gotten so wasted, I had to help her walk outside and hail a cab. I nearly slipped on my heels—that I hardly wore—and both of us were about to face-plant when Andrew grabbed my waist to keep me steady on my feet. He’d just so happened to be walking out of another bar when he saw us stumbling and ran to help. It was one of those damsel-in-distress moments, and if I’d been thinking clearly, I maybe wouldn’t have wasted the last six months on him. However, he saved us both, helped me get my friend in the cab, and before I followed behind, he asked if he could have my number. I figured he’d never call anyway, so I gave it to him. He surprised me when he called the following day and asked me out. Completely smitten, I’d fallen for him hard and fast. I kept pushing away any signs that I was being paranoid and kept telling myself that I was lucky to even have a guy like him interested in me. I wasn’t naturally an insecure person, but after a few failed online dating attempts, I decided there was no way decent men exist anymore. Up until three weeks ago, I thought Andrew was the exception. But it seems married men can’t seem to keep it in their damn pants no matter what state I’m in. Relieved when we finally land, I grab my luggage after deplaning and stop for a coffee before hailing a taxi. By the time I’m in the cab, I already have Natalie on the line to let her know I’m here, and she nearly popped my eardrum with her excitement.
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