Chapter 1-2

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I snort at his pathetic performance, shaking my head but not entirely disagreeing with his words. “Yeah, well, everyone knows a stallion can’t be tamed.” I smirk, lifting my cowboy hat and repositioning it on my head while Dylan rolls his eyes. We get back to work, and that’s when I remember his announcement earlier. “So, asshole, what’s your news?” I ask as we continue to work. “Oh so, remember that big giveaway contest at the fall carnival last month?” he asks with a knowing grin on his face. Narrowing my eyes, I think back on it. “Yeah, the romantic Key West getaway?” Dylan continues to nod. “That’s the one! Guess which lucky bastard won?” He gloats. “Don’t tell me that bastard is you?” I mock. “f**k yeah, it is! Two weeks all expenses paid! As long as the boss lets me take off, I’ll be packing my bags to set out into the sunset with all the beer I can drink.” “That sounds like the most pathetic country song I’ve ever heard.” “Sorry I don’t have a line of women waiting to jump my saddle, so I’d rather go alone than miss out on a free vacation.” “Ya sure you don’t want to call Mallory?” I tease him again. Dylan drops his shovel, and as soon I glance over at him and realize he’s charging at me, I start running in the opposite direction. He has the same look on his face like the time he tried to kick my ass in seventh grade when he caught me kissing his longtime crush, Summer Sanders. What can I say? She came onto me first. Luckily, the only thing he has on me is speed. As he tackles me to the ground, I’m quick to put him in a headlock before he can throw the first punch. Struggling to get out of my grip, we both freeze when the motor of the pole digger stops. Seconds later, Evan pulls me up by my collar and glares at me. “Dylan might not be able to take you in a fight, but if you don’t get to work, I’m going to kick your ass from here to San Antonio and back,” Evan threatens before I push him out of my way. Considering we live in Eldorado, that’s a three-hour ass kickin’, and I don’t fuckin’ think so. “Just because I’m your little brother doesn’t mean you’re my boss. So, pull out the stick that’s wedged in your ass and worry about yourself,” I snap at him, walking back over to the metal pipes and cement mix. Looking over my shoulder, I see Dylan is curled over laughing his ass off. “Shut up, asshole!” I yell back at him. He quickly runs and catches up with me. “You started it by bringing up Mallory.” He slams his shoulder into mine. I smile, not denying it. I live to give him s**t about her. Mallory’s the epitome of a snobby, rich girl who thinks she’s a Southern belle who’s above being nice to anyone who works for a living. Yeah, I didn’t exactly like her, so I bust his balls about her every chance I can. Getting tackled and caught by Evan? Totally worth it. “Well, you know how cranky Evan can get sometimes. He’s probably gonna tell Dad we were f*****g around again. Asshole,” I say. “Maybe if he got laid every once in a while, he wouldn’t be such a prick,” I mutter under my breath, shaking my head. “Mr. Bishop doesn’t care as long as we get our work done. You know that,” Dylan reminds me, and although he’s right, Dad won’t think twice about putting me in my place if he thinks I’m not doing my fair share around here. “So anyway, before I was rudely interrupted.” Dylan snickers, glancing back at Evan as we pick up another bundle of pipes. We carry them across the way before dropping them on the ground, causing a loud clang. “Since the trip is for two, I thought you could come with me,” he says, shaking out his arms from carrying the heavy iron. “Wait, hold up,” I say, stopping him from continuing and furrowing my brows. “You want me to go on a romantic two-week getaway with you?” I ask, glancing over at Evan who’s painfully holding back a smirk. I narrow my eyes at him, then turn my attention back to Dylan. “Well, it won’t be a damn date, cowboy hotshot, because honestly, you ain’t my type. However, considering the trip is free and bound to be crowded with single girls, I thought we could go together. Plus, I ain’t got nobody else to take, so if anything, come be my wingman. Help me find a woman.” The corner of his lips curls up, and I know exactly what he’s thinking. “Partaaaay,” Dylan adds, confirming my thoughts as he waves his cowboy hat above his head and dances in place. Shaking my head, I laugh at his antics, but before I can give him my answer, Evan clears his throat. “You two ain’t going nowhere till this fence is built. I can promise you that,” he snaps, adding himself to our conversation. “Worry about yourself. Dig your holes and mind your business,” I snap. “Shouldn’t you be at the hospital saving some lives or somethin’? You’re slowin’ us down anyway.” Evan huffs, knowing he hates when I bring up his job at the hospital. It’s a reputable career, and I know he’s worked hard to become a doctor, but he’s the first male Bishop in decades to pursue something outside of the ranch life. I wouldn’t be doing my Bishop duties if I didn’t feed him s**t about it every chance I got.
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