Chapter 9-4

758 Words

“Truthfully?” I take a sip of my beer. “Yes. That’s why I went to med school. I love being here because it’s home. But I knew I needed something more fulfilling in life, something that wasn’t the same s**t day after day. That’s why I enjoy being in the ER. Every day is different, and I never know what’s going to happen.” Jackson stalls, holding his beer as he finds his words. “I love working with horses. Breaking them. Teaching them. But I feel like I’m missing something. I can’t help but see how happy Alex is with River and the baby and wonder if I’ll ever have that.” “This isn’t classic f**k boy talk,” I tell him with a laugh. “Yeah, you’re right.” He chuckles. “Maybe I just need a little more excitement in my life to break the monotony of it all. I’m not trying to get married anytime

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