Chapter 8-4

1003 Words

“Well give me the chance to show you before you criticize me then.” I start to walk out, tired of hearing his bullshit, but I don’t get far before he yanks my arm and pulls me back. “This hospital is my whole life, and I don’t do well with change.” Looking up at him, I notice his pained expression. “Well, that almost sounded like an apology.” Before he can respond, our pagers go off. We both look down and reach for them. “Trauma coming in. Showtime.” He walks out, and I follow him into the triage where a bunch of nurses are already running around to get beds ready. “What’s the ETA?” Evan asks. “Six minutes,” Veronica answers. “What’s the situation?” I ask. “Four-car collision with five people being brought in. Three are stable as of right now, but two are unconscious,” she explain

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