Chapter 4-3

1009 Words

He cups the back of my neck and captures my mouth with his in a feverish kiss. Hands and lips cover my skin, playing and sucking until both of us have had our fill. Which seems never-ending, considering he takes me three more times before the sun rises. The obnoxious thumping in my head is the first thing I notice when I startle awake. Once I peel my eyes open, the sun rising and glaring through the barely there curtains is the second thing I notice. I drank way too much last night, which I haven’t done in a long-ass time. The last time I let loose like that was years ago when a bunch of my classmates and I went out to celebrate acing our exams. Between work and family engagements, I only drank a glass or two of wine at a time, so the fact that I’m not puking my guts out right now is a

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