Chapter 27-4

1468 Words

The next ten minutes flash by in a blur. I didn’t read much up on C-sections, stupidly assuming River wouldn’t need to go this route, so I’m hanging onto every word the nurse tells us. Before they roll River’s bed out, I cup her face and kiss her. “I’ll be right there next to you, okay?” Tears fill her eyes, and I swipe them away. “I love you.” “I love you too,” she chokes back. “Hurry up and meet me in there.” “I will.” I wink before pressing my lips to hers once again. Once she’s rolled out of the room, I’m instructed to put a pair of scrubs over my clothes along with a scrub cap. Having Evan here is helping me stay calm, but inside, I’m freaking out. River’s about to have emergency surgery to get our baby out, and I’ve never felt this terrified in my entire life. “She’s gonna be o

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