Chapter 26-2

1007 Words

“Doctor said she measured at three centimeters already, but that means it could be now or another two weeks. Honestly, though, I don’t think River has another two weeks in her.” Dylan chuckles. “He’ll come when he’s ready.” I snort. “Don’t say that ’round River. Natalie told her the same thing the other day, and she growled back at her.” “Good to know.” He laughs. “Did you guys pick a name yet?” “I think so, but we aren’t revealing it till he’s here.” I smile, thinking of our talk a few nights ago. River had a list of names she liked and asked for my approval on which ones I liked best. “Well, good luck.” He gets into his truck, and I follow suit getting into mine. I need to shower badly. Once I’m cleaned up and eat, I plan to rub River’s back and feet and anything else she needs. She

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