Chapter 17-4

1055 Words

Unlocking the car, I walk over to it and shake my head, understanding why Dylan was so reluctant. As soon as I open the door and attempt to sit, I search around the seat to slide it back so my legs have more room. Once I’ve adjusted the seat and mirrors, I press the button to crank it but can’t hear the engine. I don’t have to search around for the lights because they turn on as soon as the engine roars to life. Seriously, what is this futuristic s**t? I put it in reverse and step on the gas, and it moves, but I’m not convinced the damned thing is even on. The whole way back to the ranch, I can smell her shampoo, and it causes my mind to wander back to the beach. That really was a trip of a lifetime that changed both our lives forever. I turn onto the country road that leads to the ranch

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