Chapter 1-5

687 Words

“I was shocked, and I think it’s still sinking in, but I think I’m going to ask her to marry me. It’s the right thing to do, and I really do like her a lot. I told my mother this morning, and she freaked out.” I search his face, wishing I could read his mind. “Do you love her?” “I think I could,” he admits. “I hadn’t planned on settling down so soon, but she’s carrying my child now, and I think I need to give it a chance for the baby’s sake, ya know?” “You’re a good guy, Cade.” I slide my hand on top of his. “Go with your gut instincts because they’ll never let you down,” I tell him with a sincere smile though it pains me to know this is going to change everything between us. He nods, his gaze following to where our hands are. “Thanks, Mila. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Slow

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