#6 The Restricted Room

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After a few minutes, Milena summoned her courage to call Karl. Lucian's prying eyes were making her uncomfortable. She wanted to talk alone. But when Lucian clearly showed that he would stay there, she had no option but to adhere to it. "Hi, Karl." A long silence transpired on either side. Neither of them was expecting it. Nor were they sure how the other person would be reacting. It was an ugly breakup if she could call that after the sudden interference of Ronald. "Lena?" Karl spoke from the other end. She wasn't surprised. They have known each other for a very long time. It was natural for Karl to recognize her voice, even if she called from a different number. "How are you?" Milena's voice faltered. She was hesitant even to address him casually. All the bitter memories flashed through her eyes. But he was her only option. "You filthy rat. Now you got a chance to call me. You purposefully lost your phone. Isn't it? Did you really think I would not find out? Tell me, are you whoring around with someone new? I should have followed you when I found out about your plan. Ronald can't keep you away from me forever." Karl seethed. He wasn't always like this. But ever since he befriended the thugs and resorted to alcohol, he was a different person. Milena could hear faint moaning sounds. Maybe he was with some girl. Or more. Who knows? And it wasn't her place anymore to worry about that anymore. "Karl! Don't talk like that to me." Milena shrieked. She forgot that she needed his help. His tone and derogatory comments made her furious. Karl was surprised to hear that. She had never spoken on a high note before. He wondered if she found someone more influential and powerful to back her this time. "Don't you need my help, missy? What is that tone of yours? I know you want something from me. Otherwise, why would you call me instead of Ronald?" Karl threatened. He knew her too well to miss her helplessness. Milena sighed in frustration and helplessness. Teardrops threatened to fall from her eyes. She looked at Lucian with imploring eyes. "Protect Trixie while I am away." Milena beseeched. "Why? Aren't you planning to return, rat?" Karl implored. The bobbing sound from the other end became more and more evident. "I am Karl. When I am back, I will thank you generously." Milena meant money, but Karl had other ideas. "You b***h better be telling me the truth. Anyways, I will keep an eye on Trixie. But don't forget your promise. You better keep your word this time." he screeched. "I will. Thanks," Milena whispered. She wished that she had some better option than Karl. But her life was a tragedy. "What are you doing? Where are you?" Karl probed. "I am working in a shop here. The pay is more here than Darzing, and I can save for both Trixie and me. They also gave me a place to stay. So, I will bring Trixie soon after some time. Please agree with us." I lied through my teeth. There was no need to tell him the truth. Karl will never be able to match these people. Maybe I should bargain with these people for Trixie and mine better future in exchange for my silence. But there was a long silence. I thought the phone disconnected. I was about to cut when I heard Karl speak. "Why do you sound suspicious? But I know you will be back for Trixie. I will keep her safe." Karl assured. "Thank you," Milena replied. "But I have one condition now!" Karl chuckled. Milena's eyes popped out. She was scared. "I love you, Lena. Now say that back to me." Karl demanded. Milena let out a deep breath. She didn't love him anymore. She didn't want to say those words to him, especially when another woman was giving him a blowjob all this while. "Say it!" Karl roared. "I love you," Milena replied in panic as teardrops began following from her eyes uncontrollably. She disconnected the phone in a rush before he could tell her or demand more things. She immediately switched off the phone and handed over it to Lucian. She ensured not to meet Lucian's questioning eyes. she knew she shouldn't worry about what her captors thought about her. It was because of them she was in this situation. "The phone is yours now. Did you miss that part?" Lucian left without confronting her. Milena was glad that Lucian did not question her about it, even if he was curious about this Karl. She ensured that Lucas was not around this time. She sat on her spot and cried her heart out. As she looked at the shining moon, she wiped her tears and made a wish. She wished for some love, compassion, and warmth in her life. The moon goddess smiled at Milena and the restless Lucas, who looked at Milena from far behind the trees. Lucas's heart shriveled up when he saw her crying vehemently. He wanted to console her and comfort her. But he couldn't. It was not his place. ********** Ever since Milena made the call to Karl in front of Lucian, she avoided him. There was nothing she could tell him. She felt miserable to accept that she had such a terrible life. On the other end, Lucian had already asked someone to look after Milena's background. But the attention quickly shifted from Milena to the restricted room one day after Aria had to go somewhere. Everyone, especially Lucas, paid more attention to whoever was in this room. The tension in the air was more avid. It somewhat made Milena more curious to find out who lived there. She knew it was someone close to Lucas and the way Lucas was more caring to this person made her a little uncomfortable. Before Aria left, she met with Milena and advised her like an elder sister. She apologized for not being able to give more time to Milena and appealed to her to be more understanding of the situation even if she was in the dark, especially with Lucas. Aria assured Milena that someday Milena might learn the truth. But it was better if she didn't. It only made Milena more nosy about her situation. Aria hinted to Milena that it was because of her safety why Lucas had kept her here. Aria encouraged Milena not to think of herself as a hostage but to take this place as a safehouse. She explained to Milena that she shouldn't be curious about the truth since it was unsafe to know more than she already knew. Aria advised Milena to be patient promised that they would set her free once things went back to normal and the outside world became safer. Aria's assurance talk brought more confusion than clarity to Milena. She was baffled to learn that there was something dangerous waiting for her outside and not this place. It was difficult for her to accept it, but like always, she couldn't doubt Aria. But she couldn't understand why someone would be interested in her? Did Lucas kill a bad guy, and they would be looking for her? She couldn't help but panic. What if they look for her and find about Trixie? After a long night of speculations, anxiousness, and trepidations, Milena decided that it was enough. She would not obey the rules anymore. She knew no one would answer her questions out of their loyalty to Lucas. She had to get them from their alpha. She looked for Lucas everywhere. She was frustrated to learn that he was still inside that room. She took a deep breath and decided to go inside that room. As she marched towards the secluded room, her heartbeats paced. Her legs wanted to take a turn and make a run from there. It was spooky. She kept chanting her purpose. Somehow, she knew the restricted room held more answers than their half-baked words. ****** "Miss, please stop. You are not allowed inside there," shouted the servants and security personnel behind Milena after noticing that she had intruded the barred corridor. Perhaps Milena was waiting for something like this. She felt her adrenaline rush as she ran like her life depended on it towards the room at the end of the corner. But suddenly I hit something and felt back. I felt like I had hit a wall. But an invisible one. Milena got up, breathing heavily, flabbergasted. This time, she moved slowly to confirm her bizarre theory, outstretching her hands as a safety measure. How can something invisible be there stopping her from going any further? She was speechless when her hands touched something as strong as a concrete wall. She could not move past that invisible barrier, no matter how hard she tried. If she applied more force, it pushed her back. She could not think of anything that could explain the wall. It was beyond science. She panicked. For the first time in her entire life, she was not sure what she was dealing with. The more she tried to understand it, the more she felt confused and dizzy. The noises were not helping her either. And before something substantial could happen, she fell down with a thud. Right before passing into oblivion, she saw Lucas's scared face. Well, at least, when she would regain her consciousness, she would get his attention!
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