#8 Magic

1922 Words
Third-person POV "Magic?" That was all Milena murmured in surprise. Everything was passing over her head. She had thought that they were some terrorist or mafia organization with high-tech gadgets. She was expecting some scientific or technical terms she wouldn't understand. An Einstein theory or something. But Magic? She looked around to ensure she wasn't dreaming it or having delirium.  "Yes, it is true. That barrier is a product of powerful magic." Lucas responded, taking his time to answer and also giving Milena to process the information. It was sudden, and they both were unprepared to face it.  "Am I still dreaming? What happened? Of course, it is a dream. Otherwise, why would Lucas be good to me? Huh!" Milena spoke to herself in disbelief. Her expression was more of a concern that she was still unconscious, trying hard to wake up.  Lucas couldn't help but smile a little. He was feeling a little relaxed after watching Milena's expression. Lucas took her hand again and slightly pinched it. When she jerked it away, goggling her eyes out in shock, he chuckled. "In our world, some of us can do magic. You will get used to it soon." Lucas affirmed, making her blink too many times in confusion.  Our world? What world? Why was he saying it like he was from a different world than her? It made no sense. Milena took a deep breath and facepalmed herself. But when it hit her hard, she sighed. It was too much to be true.  "You can do magic? Aria? Lucian? Matthew? Mrs. Green?" Milena would have probably said everyone's name if Lucas had not intervened.  "Not all of us are magicians. Lumen is a place for all the children of the moon, each having some special power or ability." Lucas said as slowly as he could. He didn't want to overwhelm her with information. It was a good thing that she was still holding her place without freaking out.    "Are you telling me I am in some magical world now?" Milena freaked out, much to Lucas's surprise. She was finally reacting.  "If you want to put it that way, Milena." Lucas looked into her eyes, trying to solace her, but she was falling apart from the inside.  "Where am I?" She stuttered. Her confidence was gone.  "Lunasaia, a magical world for the supernaturals," Lucas answered. "What? For whom? Are you telling me a story from Trixie's book? It is nonsense. I am obviously dreaming." Milena frowned, moving to the edge of her bed. She was anxious and scared. If by any chance, what she was hearing was true, Lucas could be more dangerous than she interpreted.  "No. It is the truth. I know it is not easy to accept. That dream where you fell from the cliff and saw colorful rays was true. It is a portal to Lunasia." Lucas explained to Milena. Her breathing deepened, and the memories from that night started flooding out before her eyes. She felt bewildered at the revelation, and her fear came back. She was scared out of her wits. She was still not screaming or overreacting was surprising. She took her time to absorb the news. Lucas sat there without speaking, giving her space and time to recover. She withdrew and contemplated. It didn't make sense at first. But the more she thought about it, the more she started believing Lucas's words.   "Can you do magic?" Milena enquired after a long time.  Lucas let out a deep breath that he was holding back for a long time. Her words gave him some respite. And the fact that she was accepting of the situation was a positive outcome. He let out a small encouraging smile, moving a little closer. But when her body stiffened, he let out a sigh and replied to her from a safe distance.   "Yes. A little. I would not say I am a magician." Lucas replied honestly. But when her eyes widened, and she looked suspicious, he felt worried. He wondered if he should make her forget about it. Lucas was still contemplating when Milena asked another question. "The person you killed that day is from here?"  Lucas looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "Yes. He needed to die. There was no other way. Are you afraid of me?"  For the first time since Milena had learned the truth, she realized that Lucas was equally flustered in the situation. He, too, was having a hard time. It is never easy to accept the truth! And here he was talking about a world from a children's book, but much more violent and cruel than anyone could imagine. She closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath, trying to control her emotions all over the place. She tried to be as neutral and normal as she could appear in this overwhelming situation. "Can you give me some time to adjust to this? It is not like anyone is prepared for it. I am not even sure if I can return to my home ever. Or if I am already one of you." Milena replied to Lucas with all honesty. She didn't want to lie, not when he was opening to her.  "I understand," Lucas nodded his head, even if he was a little sad. In a way, he believed she was afraid of him. And it was unsettling for him.  "What can you do?" Milena asked in a much calmer tone, making Lucas feel relieved a little. He didn't know what brought the change in her attitude, but it was welcoming. At least, she was not resisting him anymore.  "I can control all elements, which is rare, but my powers are not very strong. I can do magic at a very basic level. I would consider them mostly useless. I tried to perfect or get mastery over it, but it was a wastage of time. I left trying it eventually and do not perform magic anymore." Lucas replied as much as he could.  Lucas believed that Milena wouldn't understand the intricacies of his nature. It was unique to Lunasia as well. But there was still some time for her to learn the entire truth. He would reveal them based on her reaction. He wondered if he was willing to let go of her ever now. But he pushed that thought for the time.  "Are you something similar to a warlock?" Milena probed. She was a little curious, her fear getting replaced by inquisitiveness slowly but steadily. "I honestly don't believe I am a warlock." Lucas chuckled, much to Milena's disappointment. She pouted, wondering what could be Lucas's superpower. He was clearly the ruler of this place. He must be someone extremely powerful.  Lucas wanted to tell her the truth, but she did not need to know all that now. He would slowly disclose one by one.    "What are you then?" Milena asked.  Lucas could sense her curiosity about this. She was getting bolder and bolder, and it was good in many ways. He wondered what could be the reason for her change.    "I am many things. Nothing in particular." Lucas replied, avoiding a straight answer.  It was then he heard a voice through his pack link. It was Rosalind, their healer. She was furious with Lucas for not telling her that Milena had regained her senses and not giving the potion to Milena until now. Rosalind had warned Lucas several times that if Milena didn't take it on time, then the effects of the barrier magic could ripple, and she might have after-effects for days. Rosalind yelled at him for being careless and advised him to stop whatever they were doing and let her rest. Lucas let out a deep breath. He shouldn't have forgotten this. But the situation was not how he had assumed.  "You were lost!" Milena poked his shoulders. Lucas was surprised to see that Milena initiated contact between them for the first time. He wondered if it was a positive step. "Sorry, but I was reminded of something," Lucas replied earnestly. "Do you use something like the mind links from the werewolf books? Is it true? Did you do that now? I have seen it too many times. But I couldn't explain it, and I thought I was being ridiculous." Milena probed. Lucas caressed her hand for a brief second and smiled at her. "You are certainly smarter than I thought. It is what you think. Your heal- I mean your doctor was yelling at me." "Healer? I remeber it from Trixie's book." Milena sighed. She should have paid more attention to that boring book.  Lucas wondered what book was Milena referring to again and again and why it had mentioned Lunasia. He needed to find it. But now, he needed to focus on Milena's recovery. "Before you ask me anything else, take this potion. A lot of time has passed since you regained your senses. Rosalind, our healer, would throw a tantrum if she learns that you haven't taken this till now." Lucas got up from his place and handed her over a green bottle and some water.  Milena's eyes popped out. She wasn't sure if it was safe to consume that. "Will it work on me? I mean, I am not from here."    "Take this. You need to rest. And it is safe." Lucas encouraged her to take medicine.  "I don't want to rest. I have questions." Milena sulked. How can someone sleep at this point? "You are here for a while and can ask your questions later," Lucas said with finality.    She did not say anything and took the potion. Lucas could read her intentions. Definitely, she was planning to get more information from everyone in this mansion once he left the room, unaware that the potion would make her sleepy.   "Don't try seeking information from others. Even if you tell them I told you about this place, they will say nothing to you. Not even Lucian or Aria." I prompted her with a grin. But I knew she would try from the way she pouted and glared at me.  'Why was I finding her more attractive with each passing day? Why did I tell her the truth?' Lucas said to himself as he watched her lie on the bed.   It was weird, and deep down, Lucas knew he shouldn't entangle himself with an earthling or any woman.' It was like a flood for Lucas!   She hummed in agreement and looked outside the window. It was already dark outside, and the moon was shining. Lucas could tell she was already feeling sleepy when he decided to leave her alone.    "Who is there in that restricted area?" Milena stuttered, trying to stay awake as she looked outside the window.    Lucas could not see her expression properly from where he was standing. He felt unsettled. He wanted to move and look at her face. But it would be too much. So he remained at his place and answered her question while she tried her best to stay awake, fighting the effect of the potion.  "It is our younger sister Lucy. I won't answer anything more. You must sleep now." Lucas replied. But by the end of his sentence, she had already fallen into a deep slumber. He wasn't sure if Milena had heard his answer. But she was only going to find about Lucy sooner or later.  Lucas looked at the sleeping beauty one last time before leaving the room with a profound and confusing feeling welling up inside him.  
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