
1948 Words
Although it has been three weeks since the beginning of the Spring semester, the professor still assigned us a task that is extremely difficult to understand. I have just arrived at the cafeteria after finishing my part-time job, which was almost five minutes ago. During this time, I have been waiting for Emma, a friend and fellow student, to accompany me to the library, where the other members of my group and friends are also waiting for us. From where I am seated in the large cafeteria, I am looking out the window. I had a dream about it! Yes, ever since I was a child, I have had the desire to pursue my education in a foreign country. I was motivated to investigate the educational system in the United States after watching the Hollywood films and all of the drama that takes place in those films. I am not currently in the United States of America; rather, I am currently in Canada. I completed my education at a university in my home country. Following that, I began my first job at a local company, where I remained employed for a period of five years. To a greater extent than the benefits, there was exploitation. In light of the current state of the labor market, it was challenging for me to switch companies. On the other hand, in addition to providing for my parents' family, I was able to save money on a gradual basis. With everything that has happened in my life, I have long since forgotten about my dream. Nevertheless, it was as if I were possessed by an impulse, as if I were a flame, and my long-forgotten dream began to burn within me. Because the desire to break free from the confines of the cage and fly to my destination was so intense, I was unable to sleep at night and I put forth every ounce of my strength in order to accomplish this goal. I passed the International English Language Testing System with a good band score and applied to universities in a variety of countries. I was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship worth twenty-five percent from the university where I am currently enrolled. In spite of this, a significant amount of money was required in order to gain admission and travel to Canada for the purpose of studying. For this reason, I knocked on the doors of my relatives and various financial institutions in an effort to obtain a loan for my studies. After going through a lot of trouble, I am finally where I am supposed to be. Has it been a dream? The response is not yes. I was not content despite the fact that the country is stunning, the air is cleaner, and the environment is safer and more secure than the country in which I was born and raised... At first, I was overcome with emotion and I had a good time during my brief stay here; however, I quickly became aware of the disparity between the dream and the reality. To my knowledge, there is no such thing as an unadulterated blessing on this planet. I believed that I was ready for the hardships that I would experience as a result of achieving my goals and having my dreams come true. On the other hand, the truth was more harsh. By the time I arrived in Canada, I was completely by myself. I attempted to make new friends who were also my classmates and who lived in the same dorm as me. It was a challenge to say the least. No matter how determined I was to make new friends, I always felt that there was a clash of our cultural differences underneath our smooth communication. Furthermore, because I was a person who had a set of principles and ideals, it became more difficult for me to maintain this communication. Following my arrival, I became ill and became home sick after a few days had passed. For the purpose of paying my bills in this country and sending money back to my home country to repay the loans that I had taken out from my relatives, I made an effort to locate and secure a part-time job. My depression was so severe that I cried every day, begging to be reunited with my parents. For me, it was a challenging period. I was completely helpless. I was sitting in the park in front of our dorm one day when I noticed something. This was the afternoon. Just the day before, I had a fever, but I have just recovered from it. It was a mental vulnerability for me. My eyes began to become filled with tears, and I was completely unaware of their occurrence. As soon as I became conscious of those tears that I was crying alone, I began to cry out loud rather than trying to control them. I made sure that no one could hear what I was saying by pressing my mouth with my right hand. Suddenly, I became aware that there was a person sitting next to me in complete silence. Her gaze caught mine. It appeared as though she was from either China, Japan, or Korea. In comparison to me, she stood two inches taller, and her skin was a yellowish-white color. She had two dark eyes and a round face, and the expression on her face was one of warmth. Her clenched fists were resting on her lap, and she was seated in a position that was completely straight. It appeared that she was willing to assist me, but she was also unwilling to invade my personal space during our conversation. As soon as she noticed that I was staring at her, she lowered her head slightly. "Excuse me, if I have disturbed you." "No, no, you did not do that. I wiped away my tears and said, "I am sorry." "I am truly sorry. But would it be okay if I wept while holding your hand? She did not pass judgment on me, and she did not ask any questions; all she did was lend me her hand, which I held while I sobbed uncontrollably. What I had said to her at that time was completely obliterated from my memory. But after that, we gradually got closer to one another. Her name was Yuriko Takahashi, and she stated that she was originally from Japan. In the present moment, Yuriko is residing in two rooms adjacent to mine. In addition to that, she revealed her feelings and shared her experience. This Japanese girl, like many others, experienced feelings of isolation in the beginning, but she is doing much better now. Next, she introduced me to Emma Simpson, who was her roommate at the time. While she was waiting for her family to relocate to this location, she was staying at the dorm for a short period of time. Emma was the one who introduced me to Mac O'Brien and Eric Perez. Emma's boyfriend was Mac, and Eric was a friend of both Mac and Emma that they shared. During a seminar, we had the opportunity to meet Nathan Jones, who later joined our group. In addition to Eric Perez, Emma Simpson, Yuriko Takahashi, and Nathan Jones, Mac O'Brien made the list. I am thankful that we were able to meet. They did not pass judgment on me based on my expressions, actions, or reactions, which were heavily influenced by my culture as well as the ideals and principles that I hold dear. Whenever they were unsure of something, they did not hesitate to ask me questions. They assisted me in making connections with other people. When I had a group of friends who were always there for me, I didn't realize that meeting new people could be so much fun. My perspective on the world and the people in it is gradually shifting as a result of their presence in my life. I used to be afraid and rigid, but now I'm not as much. I truly enjoy referring to them as my soul friends. In addition to my studies, I have developed an odd routine into my routine. This is the practice of observing attractive young men. The fact that my university is surrounded by boys who are both handsome and beautiful is another interesting fact. My heart is fluttering as I see some handsome guys sitting next to my table, and I feel a stretch at the right corner of my lips that I did not intend to feel. I was able to observe them conversing and laughing without them noticing that I was looking at them because our table was arranged in such a well-organized manner. I promise you that I have no plans to date anyone at this time. When it comes to dating, I have had absolutely terrible experiences in the past. There was never a time when the people I had a crush on liked me back. For some reason, just after I had developed feelings for him, a boy who had been hardly noticed by any girls suddenly became popular among girls. I became the second female lead, more like a third wheel and sometimes like a villain, in my own love story. He fell in love with a girl who perfectly matched his dream girl feature, and I became the second female lead. Not only did it occur multiple times, but it was extremely painful. If I had to play the role of the second female lead, I would prefer to play the role of a cupid that does not fall in love and instead observe the love story from a distance. When I was a student in the past, I dedicated my time to studying and crying over those stupid crushes. But I want to take pleasure in it this time. My goals are to make new friends from a variety of countries and cultures, to participate in excursions and tours, to join clubs, to try a wide variety of new things, and, of course, to observe the cool and handsome boys that are all around me. Whether the boy is straight, gay, or transgender, as long as they are attractive to the eye, I enjoy watching them. It makes no difference either way. My heart has a motto that goes, "Falling in love is a terrible thing, but watching handsome boys is a wonderful thing." "I'm sorry! I was able to emerge from my fantasy world when I heard Emma's voice saying, "I'm sorry to disturb you in your beautiful moment." I propose that we go to the library. My work schedule has already caused me to be late. Which time did you arrive? "Just five minutes ago," I respond to someone. We both make our way towards the library, which is located right next to the cafeteria. As we make our way along the stony path, we walk past the corridor. With tender leaves and green shoots, the maple trees that are located by the side of the path are undergoing growth. It brought back memories of my very first day on campus. It was the autumn season, and the leaves on these trees had turned a fiery red and orange color, giving the impression that they had been set ablaze. I am not sure what is causing me to experience feelings of nostalgia as I watch the revitalizing nature of the campus. We make our way to the library, where we meet other people. When I look around the room, I notice that they are sitting in the middle row of the reading room they are in.
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