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Stella "You haven't eaten anything. At least drink the f*****g water." Roman exhales, but I don’t have any doubt this was an order also. We stand in the lobby of the hotel where we have stayed in. Although calling this place a hotel seems like a stretch. My eyes travel to the half full bottle I didn't even notice before. I was too caught up in my thoughts and heated arguments with my wolf, trying to figure out if my mate may not even be a werewolf, that the last few minutes are a blur. Sure, he's as big as any strong Alpha I've ever seen, if not bigger, but how can that work if he’s a werebear? Do they not have fated mates? Is that why whatever is it that’s happening seems to be one sided? I take the water and drink it in one go, not wanting to miss this opportunity too since I royally managed to ruin my chance of eating something. My nose crinkles at the bitter taste of disappointment. More and more I'm starting to doubt my wolf and her ability to sense our mate, but she swears Roman is the one, despite the evidence pointing that she’s crazy. Or desperate. To be honest, I have more chances of Roman being the one to kill me, probably because no matter how much I would like it to be different, all this man feels for me is anger and disgust. And that hurts more than any beating ever could because even if I challenge my wolf when she insists he's our mate, it doesn't mean I don't feel that budding bond, that indescribable connection only soulmates could have. We left the building of horrors almost as quickly as the vampire. The place reeked of death and according to Roman it won't be long until someone stumbles across a body and the whole town gets shut down. I didn't question him, he seems to have way more knowledge about things like this than I would ever care to know. I only followed along trying hard not to annoy him by being too slow. Luckily I only had to drag myself outside, but being hit with fresh air and direct sunlight for the first time, and on an empty stomach following an adrenaline rush, I started getting dizzy. The last thing I remember is getting into a car and noticing it wasn't the same one we were last in. I wasn’t foolish enough to comment on that tiny detail. He told me to get in the back, which I did, and then it's all a blank. I'm certain it was my imagination that conjured two strong arms positioning me to lay down and stuffing a pillow under my head. I bet it was my wolf who put the images of my mate covering me with a blanket and brushing the hair out of my face. Roman seemed pissed off that he was still stuck with me, so I assumed he would be taking me to whoever hired him. I had resigned myself to whatever cruel fate might await. Which is why, opening my eyes and looking around I am beyond confused. This is not quite what I imagined. Again, I woke up in a room, in a bed. Only this bed is not lumpy like the last one. Just for the record, even that lumpy bed was a huge improvement from the small mattress I had in my old room at the Thunderbolt packhouse. There I had an old mattress I managed to save from a toddler's bed that got thrown away. Surprisingly, they let me keep it so I wasn’t sleeping on the floor. But this bed is in a different league altogether. It feels like I am floating on some sort of divine foam. I could moan in delight as my bones don’t hurt and my muscles are relaxed in this little cloud. Somehow it feels like some sort of last meal a prisoner gets before execution. And a prisoner I am. The room I am in is again nothing like that last one. It’s barely furnished, which isn't a bad thing by any means, it still looks luxurious somehow. Aside from the bed I am currently lying in, I can spot a wardrobe, a chair and a small dresser. There is a window with the blinds drawn, but since there is enough light shining through to illuminate the whole space, I can tell it’s daylight. This means we either travelled very little or very far so that I slept for another full day. I don’t know if it’s a good sign or a bad one, but I can’t hear anything or anyone. Which means we are either in a deserted place or in a pack and this whole room is soundproof. "My last meal, indeed." I murmur, my voice hoarse. I try extremely hard to get myself out of bed, mostly feeling bad because my clothes are ruining the pristine sheets, but my body refuses to cooperate. Idly, I run a hand over the sheet, my eyes closing again. This has to be the same thread count as the Alpha’s sheets. I allow myself another minute to relish the weightless feeling because let’s face it, when am I ever going to lie in a bed like this? I swear I was about to push myself to the absolute limit and finally get up, but before I managed that monumental task, the door practically flew open and my captor walked in. Of course, my first instinct was to scramble to my feet, but instead when my brain registered it was him, I remained frozen, the only thought running through my mind being that I’ve missed him. Him. My mate. My kidnapper. My executioner? And I don’t even know what he is, but somehow I don't feel it's appropriate for me to ask the man that. “Take a shower and change your clothes. You’re not smelling of lavender anymore.” Roman says the last part in a quieter tone and tosses something onto the bed next to me. It looks like more blankets. I dare not move. He must have seen my confusion, because he spoke again, pointing to the pile with his chin. “I don’t have anything else, so these will have to do for now.” He looks uncomfortable. I don’t say anything, my spirits having now completely deflated. I know I'm no spring flower giving the life I've had in the Thunderbolt pack, but still, it’s not pleasant when someone tells you that you stink. Especially the man who is your mate. Most likely. With almost certainty. “And for the love of Goddess, eat something. I don’t want to have to bury a body in my own backyard.” I gulp at that but still remain quiet. Just before he leaves, I somehow manage to find my voice again and ask if there is a bathroom I could use. Soiling his bed like that hardly seems like it would get me any points with him. Again, Roman turns around, his eyebrows drawing together as he looks at me. I know I still have my stinky clothes on, and I have the covers pulled to my neck, but I feel naked under his scrutinising gaze. And also a little hot, like I wasn't inappropriate enough and had bigger problems to deal with. Like figuring out who wanted me kidnapped and why, or if they will let me go, if or when they realise I'm nothing but an Omega and not who they really wanted. “There is a bathroom right there.” I follow his gaze and notice a door that I had somehow missed in my earlier investigation. Still, that doesn’t surprise me. The fact that he’s allowing me to use it, does. Add to that the fact that I woke up in this bed, I’m starting to feel really bad for doubting him when he brought me that granola bar. I nod and wait for Roman to exit the room and shut the door before I get out of bed. This time there is no place for messing around or allowing myself to feel the luxury of a comfortable bed or admire the plush carpet that my feet are sinking in. Reminding myself of my place in this world, I make quick work of stripping the bed sheets and pillowcases and then opening the window as far as it would go. Some fresh air is needed in here. I quickly take notice of a neatly trimmed lawn that’s bordered by thick woods, a stark contrast between man tended and wild nature. Kind of like the man that took me. Which reminds me… I pause, with the dirty sheets still in my arms, just before I opened the door to the bathroom. He said something earlier too. I’m his home, aren’t I? Roman took me to his home. But why? Of course, my wolf sing songs about how he realised who I am and decided to keep me. Though I'm not a pet. But my wolf seems happy with that scenario, so instead of making my current headache worse, I leave her be. I take my dirty clothes off and go into the shower while trying to touch as few things as I can. There are five shower heads that I can count. Four are fixed in strategic places, while one I can pick up. The only problem is that from the million knobs and buttons staring at my naked ass, I can't seem to figure out how to turn the shower on. The best I managed was to get a small tap at the bottom to start pouring water, which I would assume is there to fill a bucket when you are cleaning. Because I can't see a better use for it. Not wanting to mess anything up or take too long in here, I do my best to wash myself and my hair. It's not too bad considering the water is hot and no one turns it off at the main at the exact time I'm shampooing my hair. To me, this is pure bliss. Definitely another last meal situation.
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