Am I Missing Something?

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Amara's POV April 6th 2011 I walk into school hand in hand with Roman laughing at our inside joke and I almost didn't see Mabel before I bumped into her. She practically ran off really fast before I had the chance to apologize to her. That didn't seem like anything to me because when Mabel and I are always alone, she hardly ever talks not to talk of when I'm with someone who dislikes her and she knows.  "You know you are a really wicked entity?", I turn to Roman confused at his statement. "What on earth are you going on about?" "Uhhh, you left me for one week, ONE WEEK!! without my daily supply of the stuff", he whispers the last part out. "Why are you whispering, you are going to make it sound like I supply you drugs or something." "Well Amara, the chocolate and gummy bears you bring me everyday are my drugs" "You are being so dramatic but anyways, I brought you a double supply today." He practically grabs it out of my hand and hugs it pretty tight while kissing them. Yup, he is definitely on something "So, am I forgiven?" "Well, you are off the hook for now but one more mess up and you are going to need more than a double supply to get back in my good books and on my good side."  We begin to walk towards our first class of the day at the sound of the bell that's telling us it's time to stop talking and start learning. The first class of the day is theatre and I have this class with all of my friends. I think it's pretty weird but at the same time cool that I have almost all of my classes with all of my friends, if not everything with them but I have each class with at least one of them. I really don't like acting that much because it's not really my thing but we have to act in school plays to earn our marks so I take small almost unimportant roles because I hate acting in front of people. Today's class rehearsals is one of Shakespeare's work 'Macbeth'. Mabel surprisingly got the female leading role 'Lady Macbeth' and that's because everyone avoided it like a plague, while Rueben took the leading male role 'Macbeth'. Thea and Vance both got the role of 'Macduff and Lady Macduff', Cairo's role was 'Macduff's son' and Roman acted as 'Malcolm' one of 'King Duncan's' sons and the 'King Duncan' role was acted by Westin, while Alcott played the role of 'King Duncan's second son, Donalbain' and I played the role of the 'Lady Macbeth's Waiting Gentlewoman'. I get bored pretty fast because my role is almost insignificant but in all, the class was quite something but in a good way though.  We all get the last few minutes of the class to ourselves and as my friends and I sit together I see Mabel walk by us and I call out to her to come join us but she shocks me, not with her response but with how she responds. She says her 'no' with so much attitude and I dare say venom, short of a better word, I'm stunned. I turn to my friends with the shock evident on their faces and Thea just snickers, it's not like I expected anything different from her though.  "What's up with you freaky wanna-be friend?" "Thea, that's not a really nice thing to say and as you can see, I myself don't know the answer to that question. That's really unusual of her. I mean she talks with blank tones, I  hardly ever detect any feeling there but still, this is just weird and new coming from her to me. Like I'll understand if it was to you guys but to me? Mabel has never done that and I'll ask her about it." "Why can't you just leave her alone Mars," Westin ask me in all seriousness "She never acts likes this towards me. Maybe she is just having a bad day, I'll give her sometime before I ask her about it later. Mabel's my friend ,has always been and will always be" I answer them with finality "You know, I was about to say that our prayers are finally being answered with the way she reacted to you but now it's like I have to change my prayer direction and pray that God makes you begin to dislike her. I'm not going it wait until she does something bad to you before you'll finally see what we are talking about." I ignore Thea and pack my things up as the bell rings telling us it's time for Calculus. I just don't understand everyone and their hatred for her, well I really don't care because she hasn't given me a reason to dislike her so I just won't begin to dislike her for no reason or because people I love do.  I get into class and I see Mabel already seated. I seat away from her and give her space because I can see that she clearly is in a bad mood and I understand how that feels because when I'm in a foul mood I like to be left alone completely. Thea walks in almost immediately I take my seat with a stupid smirk on her face and all I want to do is slap it right of her annoying pretty face. I ignore her completely and bring out my work waiting for Alcott so we can make sure we understand what exactly we are doing. Alcott walks into the class and I signal to him that I kept a seat for him. "Hey, why is Mabel giving you a bad eye?", at that question, I turn and find her giving be this angry look and honestly I'm confused on what is going on. I'll make sure to ask her about it later today.                                                    ******************************************************** The day goes by really fast and I could not be more grateful for that. Lucky for me I see Mabel outside at the parking lot but I don't see the SUV she usually enters. I walk up to her quickly. "Mabel, what's up? Are you mad at me?", "Something like that", "What did I do?", "I overheard Thea talking crap about me and you laughed", when she first mentioned Thea I was really scared I almost thought she wanted to talk about the time Thea foolishly joked about Alcott being my boyfriend. "Mabel, that has never happened. I always defend you and what I tell them most times is that if they want to talk crap abut you they should say behind my back and not when I'm present. I always defend you" "I'm sorry I assumed, I'm not really the talking type" "It's okay, I understand that that is your nature but I'm glad we are cool now. Where are you headed? Let me drop you off" "No, it's ok. I can find my way but thanks for the offer though"  I walk off happy that I have settled whatever there was between Mabel and I and I drive home happily. Take that Thea, haha.                                          ****************************************************************** Present Day Amara's POV I look back at Genesis and I know he isn't satisfied with how little I have told him but the rest of the story will have to wait till later, when I retell it to Mabel. "Why do you keep doing this? You tell me bits and pieces each time I ask you to tell me your story and then you finish it off saying that when you tell it to Mabel I'll hear the rest. When will that be?" "If you guys work faster, smarter and harder, by my guess, that'll be very soon. So, if you wanna hear the rest of the story, work fast." I ignore his continuous pleas and begin to look at the files he brought me. Considering our location, I'll have to take it back to my place to really study it but I can't help taking a glance at it. Well Mabel, looks like I'm another step closer to getting you and I'm not just bringing her down alone but along with every other one of her scum gang members who were also involved in one way or the other.  A reunion can wait, there is all the time in the world for that. I pick up my things about to walk out when I spot two very familiar face, Thea and Alcott. And at the sight of them both, I begin to tear up. Unwillingly, I hide my face from them because a reunion will only put a big dent, hold or even worse, a stop in my plans and considering how far I have come, I can't allow that take place. I bend my head down to the ground and quickly walk out. Once in my car, I cry harder than I did in the store but I don't allow myself to dwell on that for too long so I dry up my eyes, put on my shades and enter work mode before finally driving off.
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