1558 Words

Fiona Wait a minute. Did I just hear Callidora? What the hell? Was she back? So soon? Is it the end of the month already? Dorris had told me that she would be back by the end of the month. I quickly checked the date in my head, and I saw that it wasn't near the end of the month. The month isn't ending until next week. What was she doing here? "Answer me," Alpha Adrian's voice came up when she didn't say anything. I heard her huff just like the way Elsa does whenever he talks to her. I now see where Elsa got her bad habits from. "What do you mean? What am I doing here? Can't I come to my boyfriend's place anymore? Or have I been banned from coming here too, just as I was banned from going to the Royal palace?" She fussed. Wait a minute? Do they have another house other than this? A Ro

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