1216 Words

Scarlet's POV “So what do you suggest I do? I really want that b***h dead” I can't believe that he's saying I can't kill her. That's bull s**t. There must be another way out. I want her dead. “Nothing can be done, my dear. You can't kill her,” He repeated and that made me really angry. “You can't say that, my Lord. No one can kill her. I am a messenger of death, I can kill people for people also. You can call me an assassin or whatever you want to call me, but you see Fiona Skye? She is a no-go area. I can't kill her because I don't have a death wish,” “What if I decide to kill her myself, since you can't help me?” Lord Sullivan burst into laughter again and it pissed me off, more than it had already, but of course, I couldn't say anything. I just kept my cool as usual. “You want

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