1241 Words

Fiona "Callidora?" The voice sounded again. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. It was none other than Alpha Adrian. All of a sudden, my heart began to beat fast, as the images of last night began to replay in my head. I wanted to run away, but I couldn't bring myself to, plus Maya didn't want me to run away like a scared puppy. Thus, I just remained there, my legs rooted to the ground. I hadn't even turned to glance at the Alpha. Not because I didn't want to, but because I was ashamed to face him, but I knew that either way, I would have to stare at him. It is inevitable. "What is going on here?" He asked, and this time around, I turned around to face him, the paint dripping down my body and staining the floor as I did so. He wasn't staring directly at me. He was staring at

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