1486 Words

Fiona Skye I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as soon as Elsa was out of my room. This little brat will be the death of me. "What the hell is her problem?" I asked as I turned to face Dorris. Dorris shook her head. "I don't know what's wrong with her, ma'am. She wasn't acting this way when I started working here, but all of a sudden, she just changed," I creased my brows. "What do you mean she just changed? Wasn't she acting this way before?" She nodded her head. "Yes, my lady. Elsa wasn't acting this way. I don't even know what made her change from the sweet little girl she was to the brat that she is now," Dorris's words struck a chord within me. Elsa wasn't like this? Dorris was so serious as she spoke. Why do I find her words unbelievable? How could she say this little brat

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