1657 Words

Fiona I looked around the vicinity, as I tried to know where Mr Thaddeus had disappeared to. Wait a minute though. Did he just disappear? Who the hell was he, and how was he able to do it? Shortly, the guards came forward to meet me. They all bowed their heads at me. "Good day, my lady", they chorused and I nodded my head. I was still shock-ridden by what the old man just said. I had a half sibling and the person was there in this pack with me? Who was he or should I say who she was, because Mr Thaddeus had refused to reveal the person's gender to me. "Greet… Greetings," I stuttered, as I continued staring around the place. The first guard had a frown on his face as he stared around the place too, as if he was trying to see who or what I was looking for. "Is there a problem my lady?

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